Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb pp] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Husayn suspended the constitution , declared martial law , banned all political parties and arrested hundreds of politicians .
2 However , in spite of having continually plundered Arabia through the centuries and taken thousands of its best horses , by the beginning of this century few of their descendants remained and those that did were in a very sorry state of deterioration .
3 He was fined 300-pounds and given six penalty points for careless driving .
4 According to legend , some stones have moved permanently by their own power , such as the Wergin Stone near Hereford which suddenly moved 240 paces and required nine yoke of oxen to take it back .
5 Starfield and Mellits ( 1968 ) were successful in teaching 5-year-olds to hold on to their urine for as long as possible once a day for six months and enabled one-third of the children to become dry .
6 Aldermen were indirectly elected by the councillors for a six-year term and comprised one-quarter of the total council membership .
7 Prior to the debate Clinton had appeared to be marginally ahead of his rivals , having made some effective speeches and achieved 54 per cent support in a non-binding straw poll at the Florida Democratic convention .
8 For exposures from an HBsAg positive source to previously vaccinated employees , the exposed employee should be tested for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen and given one dose of vaccine and one dose of HBIG if the antibody level in the employee 's blood sample is inadequate ( i.e. <10 SRU by RIA , negative by EIA ) .
9 The CRS fired tear-gas canisters and arrested 600 students .
10 By 1832 an enormous wing was attached to Forston 's north side which stretched for five hundred feet and accommodated 65 patients and half as many staff .
11 Thieves have raided a widow 's home and stolen ten thousand pounds of her late husband 's jewellery .
12 According to the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) , the epidemic had claimed 609 lives and affected 97,715 people by the end of March , with some 37,000 receiving hospital treatment and most victims concentrated in the departments of Cajamarca and Ayacucho .
13 SUDAN : Sudanese government forces reportedly shot dead at least 300 unarmed civilians and prisoners and arrested hundreds of others in the southern city of Juba between June and August 1992 .
14 In stark contrast to the attitude of the Scribes and Pharisees , Jesus pointed to a poor widow who had just come into the Temple and placed two small coins into the offertory box .
15 Last year they had managed to take part in nine contests and achieved four first prizes , two second and one third .
16 He studied the prints for an hour and identified forty non-human particles .
17 The mutiny ended the following day when government forces regained control of the camp and arrested 45 of the rebel soldiers .
18 The RM1 syntactic component was run over mid-class and fine-class transcriptions and achieved 65.6 and 97.2 recognition rates respectively .
19 The closure of the regional offices was phased over an 18-month period and affected 435 staff .
20 He was fined £250 with £20 costs and given eight penalty points .
21 Then one day he was sent for by the refining director and given twenty-four hours to make up his mind about a posting to the United States .
22 ‘ Often I have bent my way to the great entrance of Studley and seen twenty or more carriages waiting , unhorsed , for the return of the parties they had deposited in the morning and who were now rambling in all directions .
23 This most popular show , which ran for 12 years and hooked 22 million viewers at its peak , operated under all the usual constraints of economy sit-com — restricted set , small cast , tiresome re-establishment of norm every week — but somehow extracted magic from little more than the relationship between Harry H Corbett and Wilfrid Brambles .
24 The Christie Hospital is one of the foremost cancer treatment hospitals in the country , and Nigel was admitted the day after Boxing Day and given four X-ray therapy treatments .
25 But the cuckoo clock poked out its head and called nine o'clock and there she was , in Uncle Philip 's house .
26 Hathor Hamilton of Devon , a 64-year-old member of Moyra Hopley 's class , sustained a broken elbow and lacerations when she was hit by an overtaking car last October and thrown 12 feet , ending up in a hedge .
27 Franco Boretti , a proud pet-owner from Sicily , was taken to court and given two fines amounting to the equivalent of 67p each after his dog had been found guilty of committing ‘ an obscene act in a public place ’ .
28 Two police officers were killed in Santiago on July 21 , 1989 , by the Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces ( Fuerzas Rebeldes Populares Lautaro — FRPL ) in retaliation for incidents on July 17 when police , clashing with people trying to occupy housing , killed one person and arrested 220 .
29 Bristol Crown Court was told that the girl had gone to the shops with a friend and stolen two cans of body spray .
30 Andrew Errington , in his paper ‘ The Farmer 's Wife : her role in the farm business ’ for the 1983 Reading C.A.S. Conference , looked at the role of the farmer 's wife and identified three main roles :
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