Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] [num] " in BNC.

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1 He planted trees in carefully placed clumps and had two huge lakes created near the palace .
2 HepB infection can lead to cirrhosis and causes 80 per cent of liver cancer worldwide .
3 Stuart would borrow his father 's big Buick and take four or five of us to matches .
4 Walk through the Freemantle Copse , take the left fork of the bridleway and cross three fields to reach the drive of Appuldurcome House .
5 He concentrated on staying on the front foot , took few risks and made 35 from 45 deliveries with seven fours , then played Morrison on .
6 I also have severe loss of hearing in both ears and wear two hearing aids .
7 I can realise my stock and pay twenty bob in the pound if I go into voluntary liquidation now , before Masters of Notts gets deeper into trouble .
8 He turned in his seat to raise his bound ankles over his girlfriend and kicked three times to free her door .
9 But he witnesses a gangland slaying and , for the rest of the four hours , he relaunched his career , slept with his manager 's girlfriend and stayed one step ahead of the mob .
10 Look to the right and left of your first landmark and find two more landmarks .
11 Release card and knit 18 rows Fair Isle with green in feeder 1 and cream in feeder 2 .
12 Release card and knit 22 rows Fair Isle with tan in feeder 1 and cream in feeder 2 .
13 Fitted with Zanussi 's Aquasave water , detergent and energy-reduction system , the machine takes 12 place settings and has seven programmes , a rinse-and-hold facility , quick-wash , wash without drying ( to save time ) and a low-salt indicator light .
14 Dressed in vivid orange , with black lettering down her legs and wearing one of Prince 's big heart-shaped mirrors on her sleeve , she could be the same girl who blew into town with the spectacular Lovesexy roadshow last year .
15 His family own a bakery and have two shops on the south coast .
16 The line operates every Tuesday and gets dozens of calls , because , despite the fact that there have been fewer home repossessions over the last few months , the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux say that more people are getting themselves into debt .
17 She failed to regain consciousness and died two days later in hospital .
18 Tracey , 22 , of Mill Lane , St Helens never regained consciousness and died eight days later .
19 PC Holt was hit in the face with a hammer and needed four hours surgery after breaking up a fight in the Royal Well area of the town .
20 ‘ It was a hard-fought game , but we played some quality football and won 3-2 .
21 Only with the retirement of Roberts did he get promotion to the new ball , whereupon he stepped up his speed and took 31 wickets against Australia in 1983–4 , although he then reduced it again .
22 A group of Canadian skibums were taking the mountain at speed and skiing 100,000 vertical feet a day : 16 top-to-bottoms .
23 But such work often involves using older and younger women as tests of psychological theories which were developed mainly from male samples , like theories of moral development ( Gilligan 1982 ) , adolescence ( Beckett 1986 ) , transfer into the job market ( Griffin 1986 ) , and middle age ( Barnett and Baruch 1985 ) .
24 ( Dennis and Clout 1980 , p. 153 ) , even if there remains a strong private rental sector in rural areas and many owner-occupiers are already ‘ well-to-do ’ .
25 A rigorous analysis of acceleration from rest is possible ( Pickup and Tipping 1976 ) , but in practice a simplified approach ( Gupta and Mathur , 1976 ) ; Lawrenson et al. , 1977 ) yields approximate results , which can be confirmed experimentally on a prototype system .
26 She was held up briefly in the final when the in-form Sanchez-Vicario swept to a 4–1 lead ( and deservedly so ) and yet Martina , the grass court player supreme , merely drew on her experience , stepped up a gear , kept her nerve and won 5 games in a row to deflate the Spanish challenge .
27 He was able to address the Eleventh Party Congress in August that year and emphasised the need for ‘ less empty talk and more hard work ’ ( quoted in Benewick and Wingrove 1988 : 14 ) .
28 According to Blecher , ‘ Per capita grain production grew at an average annual rate of 3.7 per cent from 1978 to 1984 , compared to 1.2 per cent during the previous thirteen years ’ ( Benewick and Wingrove 1988 : 100 ) .
29 Between 1981 and 1985 , gross industrial output grew by 12 per cent a year ( Benewick and Wingrove 1988 : 118 ) .
30 I took a deep breath , pulled the cabby cap down over my eyes and knocked seven bells out of the Cornish pixie .
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