Example sentences of "[noun] be often the " in BNC.

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1 As was pointed out in chapter 4 through Lévi-Strauss 's example of the Australian Churinga , material objects are often the principal means of objectifying a sense of the past .
2 One told him that in the residential sector , placing authorities are often the last to realise that client abuse is going on .
3 Our unconscious plans are often the ones that come to fruition .
4 In a service , the musicians are often the focus of attention .
5 Hidden commitments of this kind are often the result of using particular words ( here , " the " ) or phrases or constructions .
6 Some writing by artists takes the form of instruction ; in every period manuals on how to do it , whether drawing , making sculpture or other technical tasks are found , though their incidence is irregular , and such treatises are often the work of minor artists , rather than the great ; Leonardo is an exception .
7 Simulation programs as POND which examines plant life in ponds and BRI1 ECONOMY which allows pupils to examine variations in economic health of the country are used across the curriculum are often the best way to demonstrate an experiment in science technology .
8 Not only that , sea birds are often the victims of oil spills .
9 Humming noises in pipework are often the result of the pump speed being set too high .
10 The words are often the last thing that , or sometimes the last thing that people actually write .
11 Communities which suffer most from crime are often the most disadvantaged in the first place .
12 The highest spring tides of the year occur after the equinoxes in March and September , and these tides are often the best time to visit the shore .
13 These good relationships are often the result of contingent factors such as living geographically close , sharing a particular common interest or ( in the case of cousins especially ) having spent a lot of time together in childhood ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 , ch. 12 ) .
14 This made things easier and established a genuine common base for the selection , for the commercial values of second-hand books are often the result of factors which are irrelevant when viewed in a scholarly perspective : that is , one which is concerned solely with the content of the book .
15 Schools are often the target for petty acts of vandalism and urban schools in particular sometimes suffer from graffiti attacks .
16 The measure of our thinking is often the performance of our intellect .
17 THE BEDROOM is often the one room in the house you can really put your personal stamp on .
18 The recent torrent of shocking crime has inured the senses to what is happening in Britain 's cities : the strongest emotion is often the most understandable — I hope it 's not me next time .
19 The result is often the provision of a traditional service for disabled people to meet their ‘ special needs ’ with the only real changes being the words used to describe the service .
20 Confronting and accepting the reason for the tension is often the best way of dealing with it , since if you look logically at the cause it is often not as bad as the imagination would suggest .
21 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
22 Although adults and good spellers can also get mixed up with these , especially when they are writing quickly , this confusion is often the sign of weak visual memory .
23 To be faithful to the over-all impression of the celebratory poems we ought to note that the effect is often the reverse of abnegation .
24 Good melody is often the result of a mixture of various factors , which may be summarized as follows :
25 At this level the practitioner is often the conscious monitor of the practice and facility in self-monitoring is a useful indicator of skill .
26 As the company believes that home grown talent is often the most successful , internal promotion is encouraged .
27 His moment of waking was often the best one , sometimes the only one , in which to approach him with any certainty of success .
28 The gap in services has been filled by child minders who at their best can offer a high quality of care with all the advantages of a domestic setting similar to the children 's own home , but because of the lack of resources , training and support for their work are often the last resort for parents .
29 ‘ People carrying out the work are often the best judge of where environmental improvements can be made .
30 These cold areas are often the seat of deep-rooted emotions .
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