Example sentences of "[noun] be run at " in BNC.

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1 A number of Health Promotion Clinics are run at the Health Centre , details are available from the receptionists .
2 Our programmes are run at Henley , around the UK and , working with Associate Institutions , we also run our programmes in 16 countries worldwide .
3 Farming subsidies at present are running at £1m. per day .
4 Plastic card frauds are running at £165 million .
5 ‘ All we have been told is that there will be a profit of £7,000-a-year but similar facilities in the North-East are running at a loss . ’
6 Over 40 fully booked Schools were run at Barnham Broom and in Southern Europe in 1990 .
7 The agreement was that if both cars were running at the front with no problems , then I was to win .
8 The yard had a workforce of 7,000 , the market was crumbling , and losses were running at £43m a year .
9 Its return on equity is running at 20% .
10 Instead the queues have been forming to secure places on the landscape painting holidays Mr Waldie is running at the Esplanade Hotel , Scarborough .
11 Average maintenance is running at fifty pounds a week .
12 Last year , in the depths of the worst slump for 60 years , Britain 's trade gap was running at £1m a month .
13 By 1914 , strike action was running at a rate comparable to that of 1905 .
14 As a result , the RS/6000 may be a $2,200m business this year while Hewlett-Packard and Sun are running at between $5,000m and $6,000m in Unix-related sales .
15 JOB losses in Scotland are running at 1,000 a week , according to the Labour Party .
16 In all cases , the lap is run at a slow speed , 25–30 rpm , as opposed to the greater speeds recommended by the lapping machine manufacturers .
17 I 've come a cropper over this before , bemoaning the appalling performance of a 386/40 until I noticed that the tiny turbo light was off and , instead of running at 40MHz , the machine was running at 8MHz !
18 Laurentide Ice was running at Vancouver against Voting Right and Sparrowgrass …
19 Bankruptcies are running at a record rate of 800,000 a year .
20 The strongest argument in favour of the taxpayers is the anomaly which would arise if the employer 's business were running at a loss or was subsidised by endowment .
21 ‘ Do you know , ’ I asked a market trader as I met the fine working people of Motherwell over the weekend , ‘ that this country 's public sector borrowing requirement expressed as a percentage of Gross National Product is running at a completely unacceptable level ? ’
22 By the late 1960s , indeed , half of Fleet Street was running at a loss ( Economist Intelligence Unit , 1966 ) , and the situation ( though cyclical ) got no better in the 1970s .
23 The reason that Xerox finally wants out is not hard to divine : back in 1989 when it created Xerox Desktop Systems Inc , which marketed the Ventura Publisher product , it said that annual business was running at $40m .
24 Unemployment is up from 1.7 million to 2.7 million ; home repossessions are running at 75,000 a year ; companies are going bankrupt at the rate of 1,000 a week .
25 Losses of European forests due to air pollution are running at US$29 billion per year , according to the first study ever to attempt such an estimate of pollution 's financial impact on tree reserves .
26 And when wages and inflation are running at less than two per cent , you do n't go out and increase your spending by four or five per cent .
27 ‘ I 'm not too happy with the way things are run at Park Crescent — under the present regime , I mean . ’
28 One factor with which the Baghdad planners had failed to reckon seems to have been the contribution to an enemy 's performance of simple patriotism , the force which impels people to fight to defend their native soil against an invader , whatever they may have to say about the way things are run at home .
29 It would have guaranteed a complete change in the way things were run at Westminster .
30 He also kept his head when some of of the City young things were running at him — 35 years old , but he can keep up well enough ( cf Mel of the Mars Bars ) .
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