Example sentences of "[noun] look back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they reached the destination the driver looks back in horror and says the poodle has disgraced itself .
2 Babur looks back over his shoulder .
3 The present looks back at some great figure of an earlier century and wonders , Was he on our side ?
4 Wilcock looks back on it as a ‘ very heavy issue ’ .
5 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
6 Lyndhurst West looks back at COMDEX , and decides what 's hot , and what 's not in Coming our way .
7 Though lacking its crackling intensity , The Rock looks back towards Sweeney Agonistes and Eliot 's earlier work .
8 After 18 months of illness and injury the 21-year-old flyer looks back to his best .
9 Scott looks back at it as someone who has learned a great deal and contributed to shifting opinion about private and statutory sector relationships .
10 Barbara Buhler looks back at the effect of criticism on Georgia O'Keeffe 's art in the 1920s
11 Veteran looks back in anguish Wednesday People .
12 Then she leant forward and kissed him on the mouth , brushed his lips , stroked them with hers , watched his eyes looking back at her .
13 In his chair he saw the familiar features of the president looking back at him , the face he knew so well from his television set and the newspapers .
14 We have taken various risks looking back over the years , like Wapping .
15 She looked into the mirror , moving her hips in time to some silent music in her head , letting the silky skirt swish enticingly around her legs — And saw another stranger looking back at her , eyes and mouth dreaming and vulnerable .
16 Sheila had not moved from the settee , and Morse stood in the doorway looking back at her : ‘ Do n't you know ? ’
17 Well they were chronicles , in a sense , erm there were chronicles very frequently written by interested parties , and in the case of Clarendon 's History , it was really an attempt to look back over some experiences which he himself had had , and in a way it is a , a , a classic of its kind .
18 Whitlock paused in the doorway to look back at Rachel .
19 He could approach the cataclysmic events of the forthcoming August with an adequate authority ; and he could in the future look back on 1931 with a certain complacency , as ‘ the year my party tried to get rid of me ’ .
20 Now in his eightieth year , Thesiger looked back on a life travelling in the Sudan , Arabia , Afghanistan , Morocco , East Africa and ‘ Eth …
21 Marie looked back at Simon .
22 Corbett looked back across the galley to where Selkirk and de Craon were standing near the far ship rail .
23 Corbett looked back at the tavern doorway now thronged with onlookers .
24 PARISHIONERS and clergy looked back at the past year on Sunday when Headley 's annual vestry and parish meetings were held at the Church Centre .
25 As Alcuin looked back from the high days of his own collaboration with Charlemagne , which also involved his many pupils who became bishops and abbots , he obviously saw a model of this relationship at the York of his younger days , when Eadbert ruled Northumbria while his brother Egbert was archbishop of York and built up the cathedral library .
26 Meredith looked back at the heaving throng on the shop floor .
27 Then , as the blue eyes looked back at her with a flicker of curiosity , she responded automatically , ‘ So , you have trouble sleeping ?
28 Her expression far from eager , Shiona looked back at him .
29 Shiona looked back at him , hiding the flicker of hurt inside her .
30 Donna looked back at Ryker , then ahead once more .
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