Example sentences of "[noun] should [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Michel Gien , chairman of EurOpen , points to recent examples of the private sector following government procurement policy as evidence that European business is showing interest : decisions such as that by a group of car manufacturers led by Peugeot and Renault to specify certain open systems criteria in contracts should in turn have knock-on effects for open systems take-up .
2 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
3 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
4 Well I think it 's , public money should in fact be spent on it .
5 Payment should of course be made on time .
6 However disliked Herod may have been , his position on the throne should in theory have been secure .
7 At first sight there is force in Mr. Howell 's point that it is odd that Parliament should by section 6(3) ( b ) have limited the governors ' ability to apply selection criteria designed to preserve the character of the school in cases which do not fall within section 6(3) ( a ) ( i.e. where the school is not over-subscribed ) but have permitted such criteria to be applied in choosing which applicants are to succeed when the school is over-subscribed .
8 1838 " A Motion was made , seconded , and carried , that the Receiving houses and Post Runners hitherto paid out of the General Meeting Assessment should in future be discontinued . "
9 The Nov. 4 referendum proposed that a simple majority should in future be sufficient to pass constitutional amendments .
10 The interest provision should in fact interrelate with the " period of grace " provision and a suggested formula is 2 per cent above base lending rate if payment is not made within 14 days after becoming due or 3 per cent above if not made within 21 days .
11 He feels very strongly that such a case should in future be dealt with by assessors in an open court .
12 However , at a board meeting the Chairman has supported JR 's suggestion that , as a preliminary measure , the accounts department should in future have some control over the acceptance of sales orders .
13 Although the Europeans and Japanese firmly resisted the reserve indicator plan , which would apply heavy pressure on surplus countries , they insisted that the United States should in effect reinstitute convertibility .
14 Consideration of the statutory scheme within a particular area may convince the court that representation by a lawyer should on construction be excluded .
15 The one equation should in principle be convertible into the other , but this is not always possible .
16 With this in mind , what methods should in fact be familiar to you ?
17 Collusion , which used to be a bar to divorce , is no longer prohibited , and indeed a Committee chaired by Mrs Justice Booth recommended in 1985 that the parties should in future be entitled to file joint petitions for divorce .
18 They go on to submit that the term should in principle be read in its narrower sense although this might leave what they describe — we think euphemistically — as a ‘ small lacuna ’ in the law .
19 This type of search should of course identify the company being sold which is a useful check .
20 ( d ) Offices and employments As a matter of prudence , agreement should be reached at an early stage in the life of any firm whose partners , or some of them , are likely to find themselves appointed to some professional or public office as to : ( 1 ) whether remuneration from such offices should in principle be accounted for as part of the profits of the firm ( Clause 10.06 ) ; and ( 2 ) the amount of time any partner should be permitted to devote to such activities ( before his profit share suffers some downward adjustment ) .
21 And I , like Mr ask that this issue should in fact be addressed , we should be looking at their total responsibilities , and I I support the action of the budget review in saying that er , we should be looking at this with a view to it being a corporate responsibility .
22 It was often commented , however , that the proposal should in time be extended to include all firms .
23 There is a powerful argument that as far as sexual behaviour is concerned , an area in which consent makes the difference between gross violation and shared pleasure , and in which physical proximity makes it relatively easy to ask about consent , the law should in effect impose a duty to enquire .
24 Sponsorship should of course be the icing on the cake , there should be enough in , in competition in regattas and themselves but people are interested enough to go and to support and that sponsorship actually allows you to do things that you would n't have been able to do otherwise .
25 X X Y , now the B's should in fact be Y's It 's what comes of talking about it in A's and B's and then changing to X and Y's .
26 However , I think it it to re-stress again it remains the county council 's view in the context of the advice in P P G seven that most most development erm which is going to serve to promote diversification in rural areas should in fact be directed to and located within and adjacent to existing settlements rural settlements which is where , as I said before most people actually do live and it maintains a close relationship between the jobs provided and the residence of people , and that that level of allocation appropriate level of allocation is in fact something for the local er planning authorities to decide through their development plans and to make adequate provision for it .
27 The seller should of course resist such warranties because of their vagueness , and insist that , if he is to give such a warranty , the purpose should be clearly specified in the contract , with sufficient detail to enable him to be sure that the goods that he supplies are in fact suitable for that purpose .
28 Full members wishing to attend a meeting should upon receipt of an invitation , register their intention in writing to the secretary of the LIFESPAN User Group .
29 A meeting should in fact wait until we have a program and some sort of corpus for it to port on and for you to have to hand while drafting the handbook .
30 And because the upper limit of a microscope 's resolving power depends on the wavelength of the waves illuminating the object under study , Sokolov suggested that an acoustic microscope should in theory be able to resolve images just as well as the standard optical system .
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