Example sentences of "[noun] also [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The horse also needs companions to give and receive affection , to satisfy a need for belonging and being accepted by its own species , to develop self-esteem , to increase its sensory stimulation , and to develop the social skills and forms of communication necessary for a normal horse .
2 Wensley also raises issues about the level of focus in resource allocation — project versus SBU analysis .
3 Gilligan also researched women 's self-descriptions , and their decision-making about abortion , and she finds women 's ‘ different voice ’ here too .
4 Schools also encourage girls to play ‘ domestic ’ games and to behave in appropriately feminine ways .
5 The business schools also provide recruits for domestic industry , and in many Third World countries the government gives young graduates from such institutions posts with high degrees of responsibility in national development agencies where they can make substantial contributions to the welfare of their nations .
6 The department also runs seminars on developing clinical and communication skills to reinforce the students ' experience in the practices .
7 On Dec. 9 Pakistan also denied reports , backed by US intelligence officials , that it had recently acquired some two dozen Chinese M-11 guided missiles , in possible violation of the Missile Control Technology Regime ( MTCR ) .
8 De-glamorization also won awards for Olivia de Havilland in The Heiress ( 1949 ) and Grace Kelly in The Country Girl ( 1954 ) , and nominations for Bette Davis in Now Voyager ( 1942 ) and Lynn Redgrave in Georgy Girl ( 1966 ) .
9 In addition to putting the YCCC in touch with the growing network of communities campaigning against toxic waste dumping , Highlander also invited members of the YCCC along to a residential workshop on video skills .
10 people used to talk about a time when the volcano also spat flames and rocks into the sky , like the strangers ' guns , when the black strand on the northern promontory of the island was formed by the mountain 's spewing .
11 Religion also gives answers to questions that science can not account for , such as the beginning of the world .
12 The association also makes representations to the Government , the EEC , and standards organisations on matters relevant to the industry .
13 The full-time welfare workers of the Association also represent individuals at War Pension Tribunals .
14 Proof of fault also presents difficulties , especially in cases where the state of technical knowledge was not sufficient to enable the manufacturer to avoid injury , or where the cost to the manufacturer of taking precautions outweighed the risk .
15 Some local authorities and voluntary organizations also run workshops for disabled people .
16 Hidden watercourses also pose problems ; thus if he has an urban patch , the officer must know where the foul sewers and any culverted watercourses run ( a formidable task in some cities ) , as well as the nature and source of any discharge into the watercourse .
17 Mr Mitterrand also had talks with one of the key figures in the reform movement , the conductor , Kurt Masur , who has urged East Germans to pause and reflect before pursuing their revolution further .
18 The data collection study also ascertains cases of leukaemia and lymphoma directly from diagnostic sources within hospitals in its study areas , and these are crosschecked with cancer registration records ; ascertainment for these diagnostic groups is believed to be virtually complete .
19 1986 ) and one study also included interviews with children ( Fisher et al . ,
20 The study also found tribunals frequently willing to attribute some contribution to the dismissal to the employee , which operates like a finding of contributory negligence to reduce the compensation payable .
21 Lotus Script , the next generation programming toolkit for spreadsheet users it also has features to edit scripts and attach them to the menu , buttons , or presentation objects , such as bars in charts Lotus Dialog Editor for creating custom user interfaces to Lotus Script programs and Application Programming Interface ( API ) toolkit support in every package Improv also features calls to external programs ; build and include personal custom functions .
22 In a discussion document published on 11 June the Department of Trade and Industry also sought views on extending this exemption to areas where the auditor 's only relationship with an associate company providing non-audit services to a client is as a trustee .
23 In his Aug. 24 speech Mugabe also revealed plans for land reform , another policy area requiring constitutional change .
24 We will look at database mapping in detail in Section 4.8 , but in principle , when converting the conceptual schema to the relational model , entities become relations ( entity occurrences being the tuples ) ; the attributes are mapped directly , the key attributes of an entity will be the same as those of the relation ; and the relationships also become relations , their keys being derived from the keys of the relations taking part in the relationship .
25 Similarly , parallel questions will be asked of the participants , for the clients also bring expectations and stereotypes ( of the workers , administration , etc. and of their fellow clients ) to participation , as well as a wide gamut of often conflicting ideologies .
26 The condition also allows sellers to use part of the deposit to fund their own deposit in a related transaction , and such part of the deposit as is used in this way will be held by the seller 's conveyancer as agent , and the balance as stakeholder .
27 Faldo also made birdies at both the 15th and 16th and putted better than he had on either of the first two days .
28 News values and considerations of newsworthiness also prioritize events and they describe , establish and reinforce images and relationships of order and power in our society .
29 False consciousness also prevents capitalists from realizing how they could be freer individuals under advanced communism .
30 This uncertainty also affects tactics .
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