Example sentences of "[noun] give [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Some insurers give discounts for fitting anti-theft devices and others , like Norwich Union , wo n't insure some cars unless they are fitted with immobilisers .
2 David gave orders for the food and water to be unloaded and for bombs to be placed on their vehicle .
3 These include : the Department of Employment , which ( directly and indirectly ) runs YTS/YT and TVEI ( see Chapter 10 ) and controls 25% of the funding for NAFE ( see Chapter 5 ) ; the Department of the Environment , which through the Urban Programme gives grants for educational projects in deprived areas ; and the Department of Industry , which through the Micros in Schools Project subsidises the buying of microcomputers in primary and secondary schools .
4 1967 No. 1462 ) , which governed the work of that body , imposed no obligation to give such reasons ; that in reaching their decision on whether to recommend release , the Parole Board and the local review committee were under a duty to act fairly ; but that the scope of that duty did not include a requirement to give reasons for their recommendation .
5 In each of the following situations discuss the most appropriate method of depreciation giving reasons for your choice .
6 Once he had gone away Wickham gave instructions for someone to go to the address in Fleet Street .
7 Divorce proceedings were instituted in the Ontario court and , on 2 July 1991 , at an interlocutory hearing the judge gave directions for the substantive hearing in August 1991 and granted the wife interim custody of the child with access to the father .
8 On 2 July 1991 the judge gave directions for the substantive hearing , which was to be dealt with by hearing oral evidence .
9 Elena Long , of Catholic AIDS Link , said that the Gospel gave reasons for helping and supporting those who are HIV positive or who have developed AIDS .
10 On receiving this , the Queen gave orders for his execution the next day .
11 ‘ Nevertheless , conditions in certain markets of importance to Volex give grounds for optimism and I expect the Group to make further progress in the current year . ’
12 We know we are part of a great community and so we now stand Lord as we remember those people who have been a part a part of this particular community to give thanks for their life and to give thanks for them .
13 I can see no need to give reasons for that decision .
14 Ian McGarry gives guidelines for getting the most out of it , whilst Tessa Coder urges us to relax our skilegs
15 Mr J A Scouller gave reasons for dissenting .
16 But there wo n't be too much honey to give thanks for this year .
17 And the nearest relative 's right to call for an assessment by the local authority could be extended to guardianship , forcing authorities to give reasons for not exercising their power .
18 However , it is mandatory for all authorities to give grants for basic improvements such as installing a toilet , bath or sink .
19 Is n't this the same old band of Establishment figures given knighthoods for services rendered , hidden from the headlines by a liberal sprinkling of show business and sports stars ?
20 Spades , scoops and spoons of different size , shape or colour give opportunities for comparisons .
21 Spades , scoops , spoons of different size , shape or colour give opportunities for comparisons .
22 John carved his puppets himself from wood , sewed the dresses for them , wrote verses to accompany the shows and ( with his aunt Kay as assistant ) manipulated the strings to give performances for his friends and relations .
23 Now I M R O asked er we understand for the be the management of that organisation to give accounts for that for the c for the senior company to I M R O prior to its membership about a I think was about eight working days before I M R O approved that membership .
24 A spokesman at Shell 's headquarters in London was unable last night to give reasons for the decision to cut its stake in the block .
25 Various statistical sources giving figures for the number of receivers show the country as having 120,000 sets .
26 Make some notes in your diary giving reasons for your answers .
27 The Education ( Choice of Employment ) Bill 1910 inched towards the latter problem by enabling local authorities to provide vocational guidance for school-leavers ; in the following year the Board of Education gave grants for this purpose .
28 On hearing this , the king gave orders for the fields around his castle to be planted with almond trees for as far as the eye could see .
29 When the British Academy gives scholarships for methodological research and applications as well as for historical inquiries of a more familiar kind , when universities begin to make appointments in humanities computing or , dare I say it , even in history and computing , then , it seems to me , we will be in a better position to bemoan our inability to secure more in the way of government and private funding .
30 A specific issue orderwhich gives directions for the purpose of determining a specific question which has arisen , or which may arise , in connection with any aspect of parental responsibility for a child .
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