Example sentences of "[noun] come [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 One of them reached over the moat to wrench hunks out of the hedge : I jumped backwards when the great muddy wrinkled trunk came swinging over , but Vern did n't , he just went on standing there , staring .
2 J. V. The police were n't popular around the Bogs in Garston , when I was being shown around there with Jim Bealey , when a brick came flying over .
3 They were interrupted at that moment as Janice came hurrying over to greet them .
4 Security come running over as they see us all bowled along miserably before it .
5 She told Antonia about it in a hushed voice the night her friend came to sleep over at her house .
6 When Jarvis came to take over the house , although a good many people had been inside it and others had lived in it , the chair and the stool were still in the bellringer 's room .
7 Now let's be honest here put yourself in their situation , the obvious thing in the storm and th the water comes crashing over , well you do n't really want to fill the boat with water so you start bailing the water out , when you realize you 're not gon na be successful cos more is coming in than you can get out and the storm is not abating , you would naturally get agitated and if for nothing else , at least you can come and help us to bail out !
8 Other villagers came straggling over by bicycle and motor bike as though the disappearance of ‘ La Felicità 's water were a kind of annual festival at which prizes would be given and refreshments served .
9 Frank Dick came rushing over to congratulate me — a sign of the new understanding operating between us !
10 At the same time , in some towns at least , bishops came to take over the duties of such late Roman officers as the defensores , who had been expected to defend the weak .
11 Two of my other men came running over and they had to pin me to the ground .
12 Some of the children came running over from the village .
13 little duck who was out the water and there 's a piece of bread , honest to god this big thing come running over like this and she come running down to me like mummy a big duck 's coming after you , they 're coming
14 His face burnt like a brand As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast ; And he kissed its waves in the moonlight ,
15 As their carriage went by , Nora smiling , Sarah aghast , Flynn came riding over .
16 She stopped as Don Gillies came hurrying over .
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