Example sentences of "[noun] out at the " in BNC.

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1 A modern complex out at the back is now the College .
2 But Rush is confident that any animosity has long-since faded and that his former boss is due for a hero 's welcome when he leads his side out at the ground he graced for 14 illustrious years as player and manager .
3 I made a booking for erm , two doubles and two singles for the seventh and eighth you 've sent me the confirmation out at the non-delegate price .
4 David Bailey er they 've all given prints for them to sell to help the funds out at the ce at the er Photo Gallery .
5 This was to involve the construction of a new Entrance Lock out at the main fairway into the Western Harbour and the fitting of large capacity pumping machinery to enable the total water area within the enclosed system to be maintained at an almost constant level .
6 Now go on , go home and make yourself even more beautiful than you already are — knock their eyes out at the party . ’
7 ‘ Hepzibah said it was just like putting a light out at the end of a day . ’
8 D' you know , me and your Dad , we had a lovely home out at the start .
9 I enjoyed the work there — dealing with customers on the phone — there were two of us girls … the other girl was in charge and we had a man over us , but it was between us two … we had to get all the statements out at the end of the month …
10 A partial parasite , mistletoe relies on birds such as thrushes eating its oily berries and dropping the seeds out at the other end on to the branches of trees where they perch .
11 Good morning Vincent , I 'm enclosing copies of faxes received this morning from New Zealand , and certainly the rate quoted is more realistic , then drop down a line and put eighteen by two point nine five pounds , oblique kilo , equals fifty three pounds , ten pence , next line documentation , twenty pounds , next line customs clearance etcetera , thirteen New Zealand dollars , I 'd say Irish pounds , three point three , O , O equals nine pounds approximately and total it up , eighty two pounds , ten pence which is approximately a third less as you see David suggests you lean heavily on Air Lingus and point out at the same time that Challenge Seeds have no intention of paying this exorbitant rate , also what is a consolidation rate ?
12 Oh yes , yes , no , I think I think that er and I think that you know that particularly the the Mirror Group Newspapers Trustees doing a doing an excellent job you know , but we have n't really got into the into the stock lending er arrangements , but the , the cases those I think are particularly you know important to us you see , because there is a there 's another hundred and fifty nine or a hundred and fifty three million I think of , of writs out at the moment and those I think are the ones where we 're going to really see whether the , the banks dig their heels in or not , you know , I think we 've , we 're rea very early stage , but basically I mean we 've still got eighty , getting on for eighty per cent of the missing monies still missing and we 're into our third , third year .
13 She came to the smartgun mounting , and ripped the multi-barrelled weapon out at the roots .
14 To give a full description of even a simple evening out at the theatre could cover numerous pages , and it is unlikely that the writer has the time or wish to do this .
15 Everything you want to complete your evening out at the theatre
16 for your evening out at The Playhouse
17 It was half an inch out at the very least .
18 But then I do n't believe it was much of a race out at the front either .
19 WHEN delegates of the Whitbread Merit Table clubs took time off from their deliberations over leagues last week to enjoy a day out at the University Match , they took the opportunity to complain to Cardiff about the legions of players who have made the journey to the Arms Park in recent months .
20 Here , a family group has just arrived at the giraffe 's enclosure on a day out at the zoo ( 1 ) .
21 Tragic Linda Wolage , 28 , and her husband Andrew were catapulted into a garden by a careering car as they returned from a day out at the zoo .
22 Ross Bradshaw of the Mushroom Bookshop , Nottingham , on a day out at the fair
23 There 's plenty of detail in the smaller pictures of the humans , too , and the book as a whole adds up to a great experience for a child — almost as good as a day out at the zoo ! ( 2–5 )
24 For that day out at the bingo with her mam .
25 Its proposals will make what has happened up to now look like a day out at the seaside .
26 THE McCloskey clan from Bangor have pencilled in May 1 for a family day out at the Bass Cup Final .
27 Why did n't we just check things in at the beginning and check things out at the end ?
28 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
29 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
30 Vic Reeves presents his Christmas Big Night Out at the Albany Empire : see Top of the Chat Big Audio Dynamite ; Raw-knuckled rock ‘ n ’ roll at the Subterania : see Rock/Folk Thomas Mapfumo : chart topping with the album Corruption
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