Example sentences of "[noun] who know me " in BNC.

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1 I think it would be appropriate to very briefly sir preface erm not by name obviously , who I represent , the interests I represent , because otherwise my comments may be misconstrued erm by certain parties who know me well , I represent certain peripheral land owner and developer interests around York , I also represent a developer who is proposing a n new village circa fifteen hundred dwellings in the Leeds metropolitan district er to the East of Wetherby , that is relevant when I come to the location and a migration aspects , er I would preface the rest of my comments by saying I consider it is vitally important , sir , that this enquiry takes a sub-regional view , this is why my colleague from Leeds City Council I 'm sure 's been invited , it 's why the Department of the Environment Regional Office are here , very important indeed .
2 Asks a kind of friend who knows me well .
3 I do n't think so because I 'm not really like that and people who know me know that I 'm not like that .
4 Perhaps in future you 'd better save that sort of chat for people who know me .
5 I have quite a few contacts — people who knew me when I was designing for Carnega — and they have been very encouraging .
6 Before the operation my speech had been getting more slurred , so that only people who knew me well could understand me .
7 Fortunately those of my friends who knew me before were only amused by this foolish description and there was no general resentment of my peerage , which could properly have been attributed to many services that I had given to the government — of both colours .
8 At least there was someone at the end of a line who knew me .
9 Anyone in the city who knew me also knew that I could be found there , at some time every night , if I was on the planet .
10 As one person put it , ‘ The only ones who knew me from the time I was born have gone , and it 's almost as if that period in my life is less real now that there is no one left alive who shared it with me . ’
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