Example sentences of "[noun] who get their " in BNC.

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1 Teenagers who get their own way all the time interpret such laissez-faire permissiveness as indifference .
2 The private enterprise sheriffs used by the High Court are paid on results and are considered to be more efficient than the public servant County Court bailiffs who get their salaries regardless of results .
3 Engineers were not just people who got their hands dirty mending cars !
4 Moreover , there are already other pressures towards monthly budgeting ( such as monthly rent or fuel payments ) ; these pressures are likely to set up more financial strain for people who get their pay weekly and spend it on a weekly basis than for people who get paid monthly .
5 cos people who get their noses in there .
6 Did n't you say that those youths who got their friend drunk the other Saturday were not the kind of visitors you liked here ? ’
7 Children who get their own way all the time interpret laissez-faire permissiveness as indifference .
8 The very same week there were 247 women in Altnagelvin hospital who got their redundancy notices .
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