Example sentences of "[noun] make [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although scarcely under challenge from other national groups , Russians made up a steadily diminishing proportion of the total population over the postwar period and the Russian Republic included many of the Soviet Union 's poorest farmland and most dismal cities , creating at least the impression that it was subsidising developments in more prosperous non-Russian areas .
2 Not surprisingly , for a country which is second only to Russia for the scale of its distances ( and second to no country but Norway on a per capita energy consumption basis ) motor fuels make up the largest element of oil consumption .
3 Lionello Venturi considered lives of artists made up a basic category of art criticism , buttressing his opinion with accounts of writings by Vasari and others .
4 So even if Lisa made up the deliveries , there was no reason why she should make the connection .
5 Sir [ James ] Stephen added : ‘ The effect of adopting this definition would be to include under one description all the cognate offences which at present make up the crime of theft .
6 Photographs , coloured yarn and a short text made up the rest of the display .
7 The latter two are vital in controlling particulate ( soot ) emission , as burnt oil and sulphates make up a significant chunk of the black stuff that swirls away from the exhaust stack .
8 Bad luck on the Liberal Flemish Freedom and Progress Party ( PVV ) and the Francophone Liberal Reform Party ( PRL ) , who got left out and with a handful of other minority parties make up a discordant opposition .
9 Of the relatively small amount of CDs issued in other currencies , yen and ECU make up the bulk .
10 Two skimmers to pole and bloodworm tactics made up the bulk of his 4–1–3 winning weight , pipping England international Alan McAtee ( Elton Tackle ) on 3–13–8 .
11 Animals make up a category of painting with an uneven reputation , though the theme is one of obvious importance and interest in sculpture .
12 The amp 's master volume pot , headphone socket and mains switch make up the remainder of front panel controls .
13 The snakes and the tardy remedy make up the entirety of God 's response .
14 This initiative had the particular support of President Jaime Paz Zamora of Bolivia , who had noted that in most Latin American countries " the indigenous peoples make up the largest seriously poor groups " .
15 Mr Ishaq has also been at work on the Sindh assembly , in which Miss Bhutto 's supporters make up the biggest group .
16 Bonuses make up an important part of their total annual earnings .
17 Goran Ivanisevic , Michael Chang , Petr Korda , Boris Becker and Richard Krajicek make up the eight .
18 Such combinations make up the particles known as mesons , which are unstable because the quark and antiquark can annihilate each other , producing electrons and other particles .
19 Six staff and one agent make up the full complement which , as Anders Falkman said , ‘ has strength in a team approach , it is all hands on deck and a good atmosphere ’ .
20 As with new courses , in any one session , of all candidates actively involved in assessments , some will be taking assessments which are early steps along the way to the award , whilst others will be taking assessments which will complete the set of subjects making up the group awards .
21 In these 239 murals , covering a surface of 1,585 square metres , there are traces of many influences making up a popular and forceful imagery : ‘ The codices , pre-conquest sculpture , popular art , the study of living people , the colour of nature as well as the paintings of the misnamed Italian Primitives , together with the modern artistic tendencies to which Rivera himself had contributed during his stay in France , all went to form his own peculiar style , which is apparent for the first time in these frescoes . ’
22 The volume of data making up a single MSS image places some restrictions on its use .
23 Colour Explosion from Revlon has vivid colours like Orange Fire and Vicacious Pink making up the range .
24 The greater the number of preceding words making up the context , the more specific the syntactic and semantic constraints would be , and thus the greater the number of words that could be eliminated from the target word 's cohort .
25 Once an integrated representation of the clause as a unit is created , the specific words making up the clause can be discarded from memory to make way for the words of the next clause .
26 6.7 The thing which all the adjectives of the sort found in ( 33 ) have in common is that on the intensional level they qualify the relation between the entity identified by the noun phrase in which they appear and the description supported by the words making up the remainder of that phrase .
27 Anguita had resigned as general co-ordinator of the IU on Nov. 27 , after opposing some PCE members and members of other parties within the alliance who had argued that parties making up the IU should dissolve to form one party .
28 Members of seven parties making up the Union for Democratic Renewal ( URD ) , a newly formed opposition alliance , refused to join the government .
29 Twelve of the 30 units making up the new HND in Social Care .
30 the main vertical stroke making up a type character .
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