Example sentences of "[noun] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Phoebe loathed housekeeping so profoundly that she felt guilty about it and always did it with a disciplined and joyless rigour , expecting everyone else to do so too .
2 This had now been soldered to the main building so well that you could n't see the join .
3 She got in the canoe so rapidly that she nearly tipped it over .
4 How could she spend Roman 's money so lavishly when she had just parted from her lover ?
5 This year they estimate the whole legal aid bill will be around £100 million and I say : ‘ Well done ’ on spending that money so efficiently and economically in order to let people have justice . ’
6 It was not like Karr to use his privilege so crudely and for a moment he had been concerned by his friend 's behaviour .
7 This , to use a definition of the American , Stanley Ellin , one of the writers to have given us short stories to equal any that have been written since crime and the short story met ( read his The Speciality of the House ) is any story so long as it deals with " that streak of wickedness in human nature " .
8 a page designed primarily for speaking or writing activities based on the story so far and the developing mystery
9 You should also note points where a pause could be made for recap on the story so far or for prediction of what might happen next .
10 He is allowed to pick his successor on the board so long as the person is ‘ reasonably acceptable ’ to the other directors .
11 He 's allows to pick his successor on the board so long as the person is ‘ reasonably acceptable ’ to the other directors .
12 Subsection ( 2 ) contains the critical provision so far as the present case is concerned .
13 The thick forests growing on the flanks of the volcano were completely levelled , in some cases so completely that it was hard to tell that there once had been trees growing there .
14 17.20 : Join Class Teacher and parent in meeting and discuss child 's progress so far and our hopes for the future .
15 He told a news conference : ‘ I am very happy with their progress so far and I think they will continue to do well over the next few days .
16 Now that you have had all four meetings with prospective purchasers I feel I should recap on the progress so far and set out how we move forward from here .
17 progress so far and the commissioner to investigate both your bypass and
18 A contract which covers the programme of work will be agreed between student and supervisor and students are expected to adhere to the contract so far as is practicable .
19 If there has to be a last minute addition to the contract after the document has been prepared and is awaiting exchange , it could be written into the draft contract before exchange , or some reference to it could be added to the contract so long as all that was done with the authority of the parties who signed it .
20 However , it is not necessary for the restraint of trade clause to be part of the main contract so long as it is possible to argue that it is referable to it or is in some other way of contractual force .
21 The usage must fulfil all the normal tests of a custom and it will become part of the contract so long as it is reconcilable with the terms of the contract ( Peter Darlington Partners Ltd v Gosho Co Ltd [ 1964 ] 1 LLoyd 's Rep 149 ) .
22 A big hand must go to the Canadians who took part so wholeheartedly and the many other international representatives .
23 –here property has been settled on terms which provide for one or more beneficiaries to become entitled to an interest in possession in it on or before a specified age which does not exceed twenty-five but meantime no such interest in possession subsists and the income so far as not applied for maintenance education or benefit of any beneficiary is to be accumulated , neither a payment made out of the property nor the arising to a beneficiary of an interest in possession in it is to be treated as a chargeable transfer .
24 As we shall see , this may well have been politically motivated to the extent that the relics of the archbishop so recently and brutally murdered by Cnut 's countrymen were perhaps serving as a rallying point for discontent in the city .
25 Many managers feel that they understand how to run meetings so well that they hardly need to prepare at all .
26 If we want parents to enjoy meetings so much that they will want to repeat the experience then a number of basic issues need to be addressed :
27 British and Empire troops dug in and organized their defences so rapidly that all German counter-attacks the following day were thrown back and even more ground gained .
28 She plaited her hair so tightly that it hurt her , straining hair and flesh until it felt as though the white seam down the back of her head might split and the brains gush out .
29 At first it was men who were not allowed into the house and although this position resulted in a lot of criticism and ridicule , most feminists had some sympathy so long as we did n't seriously advocate separatism for all women .
30 It is ironic that theories of federalism , especially of the German variety , should stress responsibility so strongly while failing to realise it in practice .
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