Example sentences of "[noun] go [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So that means it is the turn of the guard 's watch to go faster than the driver 's .
2 ( If one refrains from oiling the gear teeth of a grandfather clock , the teeth will not only not collect the dust and so not grind each other away , but also become harder and more polished as times goes on and so last virtually for ever . )
3 They knew that palladium has a natural affinity for hydrogen and that if palladium is used as the cathode the hydrogen ions initially migrate into it ; as more and more hydrogen goes in so it gets under ever greater pressures .
4 So if I had if I had one course to go along and find approximately how many adverts for it ?
5 Now Agnew again , great ball for Speedy and that 's the kind of defending that Forest have been missing from Colin Cooper Just hurt his shoulder then but he 's er still holding it as play goes on and Whitlow quite clearly holding Collimore then
6 This belief in the witches power becomes more evident as the play goes on and he comes to rely on them for more .
7 Bryan , 36 , took the difficult decision to go even though his wife Hilary gave birth to their second daughter Jennifer just three weeks ago .
8 The decision to go ahead or not would be based on a business assessment of the development costs against potential revenue , and the decision would be strongly influenced by customer input .
9 Host surrogacy , I V F surrogacy was not done in this country erm so we ha we made the decision to go ahead as it was with partial surrogacy .
10 It 's at the top of Geal-Charn that you must make the decision to go back or carry on to Carn Dearg .
11 The Lynx goes further and allows up to eight players to link together .
12 And it 's inviting adults of all ages to go along and join in the fun .
13 At least half an hour goes by before the laibon breaks off to welcome the returning cattle .
14 Even when behind , the Maltese show no willingness to go forward and make a game of it .
15 two , two shirts for wearing on the slopes , one pair , one pair for wearing in the evening , I 've got one shirt to go in and the one I 'm wearing as I , as I go out
16 She knows her Mum goes out and buys
17 The chariot goes back and forth , back and forth , chanting its litany , he wrote .
18 To me it 's a crock of shit to go out and harmonize with nature on my resin polyurethane surfboard . ’
19 I 've only got quarter an hour to go down and have a smoke .
20 My preferance would be to play either Strachan and Rocky together with Speed in the Batty role , this would give him the opportunity to go forward if required plus utilise his good ball winning skills or if i had to choose between the two I would pick Rocky providing he was fit .
21 So you would still be able to identify targets but those targets may become a bit more general , I E because in the past the landlord as a class had always sided with the Kuomintang then i it gives you the opportunity to go back and attack them , almost the landlords per se in a way you could n't during the Japanese war because clearly loyal landlords were fighting the Japanese .
22 has having enough opportunity to go off and make a second marriage , which I do n't deny them but they must accept their responsibilities .
23 It will only be small at the outset for example one might get the opportunity to go in and on or might get the opportunity to go and advise on P R P or something and it 's not suddenly going to result in an invitation er to .
24 Radio Tanzania on Sept. 18 cited Diria as saying that both sides were being given the opportunity to go home and clarify their positions .
25 Well that 's why I did it because I do n't often get the opportunity to go out and enjoy myself like that .
26 er , if the , if the , er service charge costs had gone up in the meantime , obviously after you reached the end of the first accounting period you have some accounts to go on and you have a much better idea of what the costs are actually going to be
27 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
28 Yes I , after I lost my daughter I had to go into erm , into the factory to make aeroplane pieces at Burnt Mill cos I was so bad with my nerves after I lost her , er just afternoons I had to go and then I was taken ill I could n't do it , well then after my erm , I got my family off to school I took a part time job in erm one of the factories making tea in the mornings for the office and coffees and that for the office and then in the afternoons I used to do the tea as well , I used to cycle there , I quite enjoyed it until my right hip started coming bad then I had to pack it in , but I was in there , I was there for about four years and I thoroughly enjoyed it you know making tea and that , I did n't have to take it round only collect the money to go round and collect the money , but used to have to put the trolley outside and they used to come and get their tea each one , of which they knew which was their mugs and cups ha , you know , I , I thoroughly enjoyed that job , really great
29 I had no money to go anywhere or do anything .
30 But though Minton , in turn , often treated him like a mere house-boy , giving him money to go off and buy the food which he afterwards cooked , Ricky carried out his duties with considerable charm .
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