Example sentences of "[noun] which in some " in BNC.

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1 In coeliac disease , patients with abnormal histology have increased intensity of epithelial staining which in some cases now extended into the crypts .
2 I opt for the outside seat which in some models is adapted into a mini-swimming-pool .
3 Lexical meaning can be studied by defining a particular set of words which in some way refer to the same subject , such as all colour terms .
4 In a review which in some respects reads like a premature obituary , Turney describes the current ( 1990 ) situation with regard to the place of peer review in funding UK science .
5 In many Coleopteran larvae each maxilla carries a single lobe or mala which in some cases represents the gales and in others the lacinia ( Das , 1937 ) .
6 During the election campaign the party had asserted that the advanced welfare state was safe in its hands , but this promise quickly appeared to be a less than certain guarantee of the continuation of welfare programmes which in some cases had been in effect since the 1930s .
7 This can be contrasted with the antiquity of rocks exposed over large areas of the continents which in some cases are more than 3000 Ma old .
8 Furthermore , there were attempts to change the law in specific aspects of these matters in the Single European Act which in some respects have been continued in the Maastricht text .
9 The aim was expressed at the launch of a new report reviewing the role and prospects of the small firms sector in the economy , Small Firms in Britain , a publication which in some ways is the government 's answer to pressure for a regular ‘ report on small business ’ , similar to the weighty volume published annually in the United States .
10 Moreover , there is the extremely serious issue of harassment and physical violence directed against black communities which in some urban areas takes places on a routine basis with highly distressing and in some cases fatal consequences ( CRE , 1979 ; Home Office , 1981 ; CRE , 1981 ; Klug , 1982 ) .
11 The areas beyond these terminal reaves contain burial and religious monuments which in some cases must be earlier ; so perhaps some respect of older features is implied , an aspect which can be seen elsewhere where barrows and barrow cemeteries seem to have been avoided rather than ignored when the later fields were laid out .
12 Meredith craned her neck and saw behind her an even older notice announcing a trio of public hangings , two of them for offences which in some circumstances would not even have warranted a custodial sentence today .
13 ‘ We are profoundly concerned about the length of some waiting times first non-urgent outpatient appointments which in some cases have increased since the National Audit Office examination ’ .
14 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
15 There were other polled cattle in Ireland throughout the ages : the ‘ maol ’ ( hornless ) types are referred to in traditional cattle-raiding stories which in some cases can be traced back to the fourth century , and remains of polled cattle have been found ( along with small , horned Kerry types ) at archaeological sites dating back three to four thousand years .
16 Erm to be honest the revision getting a bit neglected it 's , we 've done most of our coursework , in most subjects there 's coursework which in some subjects which has to be , not , does n't have to be done before the exam but it 's preparation , preparation work for the exams .
17 It was an important vehicle of terror in the Stalinist period and , by the time of Stalin 's death , had come to occupy a place in the state machinery which in some ways undermined the position of the Communist Party itself ; everyone came under suspicion .
18 Historie can be seen as describing the past as past , and as fragmentarily reconstructed by the detached , scholarly and scientific method of the historian , ; Geschichte as describing a past which in some fashion also impinges upon and involves the present , a past which must be approached via subjective commitment rather than by a purely objective analysis of a more neutral kind .
19 The ventral arm plates are slightly rectangular with a convex distal edge which in some specimens may have a median concave indentation .
20 Growth is a problem in spatial organisation , controlled by genes which in some way carry a ‘ plan ’ of the organism .
21 Some elders may have been obliged to be attached to objects or routines which in some way were exploitative , oppressive or otherwise caused suffering .
22 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
23 ‘ It recognises , however , that if markets are to work effectively , they need information which in some cases Government is in a unique position to provide . ’
24 So far as I am aware , we have no evidence , for example , to show whether male unemployment which in some areas has been higher than the rate for females , has enabled tending tasks of old relatives to be taken on by men who remain at home .
25 No telegraph or telephone , just as in early days of railways , when nobody knew where a train might be until it arrived ; a track laid with rails and chairs which in some cases were dated 1865 and ballasted with earth ; semaphores of antique pattern , dropping into the post for ‘ all clear ’ and appearing to be operated on no principle at all … ’
26 suggested that this might be because actinomycin had induced a change in local polynucleotide structure which in some manner slowed the dissociation of further drug molecules .
27 The third example is a young man who falls into the rare category of those who pose a serious threat to public safety , a threat which in some instances exists for only weeks or months , although occasionally a person may remain potentially dangerous for some years .
28 These were additional to interpretations of planation surfaces and were particularly concerned with the alternation of pluvial and arid phases in the Quaternary and their possible relationship to those of temperate latitudes ; with the sequence of valley development particularly as revealed by the chronology of alluvial deposits ; and with the significance of human activity which in some of the areas studied extended over many centuries .
29 Goods and services which in some countries are circulated by being exchanged on the market are circulated by the state in others ; health care and medicines are a good example .
30 Simon Brown J. cited no authority for this dictum , so far as it related to the possibility of supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court over the visitors to the Inns of Court , but it was cited to us as an example of a suggested parallel with the supervisory jurisdiction which the High Court undoubtedly exercises in other contexts which in some respects may be thought to be comparable .
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