Example sentences of "[noun] as to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On appeal by the defendants , the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and discharged the injunction , holding that as a matter of domestic law there was no justification for extending to local authorities bringing proceedings under section 222 of the Act of 1972 to enforce the criminal law the privilege enjoyed by the Crown alone of being granted an interlocutory injunction without giving a cross-undertaking as to damages ; and that since it had not been established that the defendants had no defence under article 30 of the E.E.C .
2 Treaty a cross-undertaking as to damages should have been given .
3 The criteria may offer guidelines as to standards appropriate to grade levels and may in addition at any grade level be split into separate features of the mathematical investigation , leading to a set of marks or grades which then have to be aggregated in some way .
4 They also bought blank cassettes , and Zuwaya used them at least as much to record poems and songs as to re-record other cassettes or broadcast music .
5 The court will order the money to be paid out only if the risks are the same as they were when it was paid in and on terms protecting the defendant as to costs .
6 I am under no illusion as to effect , he wrote .
7 we 've been slightly more amenable but invite to your club temerity to ask your Lordship rather me , but as I 'm on my feet , er ask your Lordship whether you could sit at all early on Friday as to help Mr er , I , I was little concerned to hear Mr say that he was going to wait for Mr he had responded because that would of course then extend more into Friday , it may be more sensible if Mr could have
8 Provided that the customer is aware that his agent will be remunerated in this way , does not make further enquiry , and is not misled by the agent as to amount , the agent does not have to disclose the amount of or basis on which the commission is paid .
9 When indifference as to terminology is a recurrent feature in the work of only one jurist , and when 80 per cent of all instances of this indifference are found in his work , there is considerable difficulty in supposing that a general rapprochement between legacy and trust had taken place .
10 Confirmation as to home rules
11 A method is needed for the rationalization of the instruction , in terms of sequencing , presentation and feedback as to progress .
12 Student motivation is of prime importance and feedback as to progress increases the learning effect .
13 The rules of Equity as to stipulations about time and other provisions which would not be held by Equity to be of the essence of the contract , are to prevail in all cases .
14 Ambiguities as to roles can lead to stress and frustration .
15 Jack is in overall charge of the LDP sales company and the reason for that is to ensure that the same standards and disciplines of product development , point of sale and , most important , profitability are applied to LDP as to Stoddard Templeton .
16 Until the last few years the entire auto industry was so fixed in its opposition to small cars as to leave the market for them to foreign firms .
17 No figures are available to compare to those in this study as to people 's perception of the causes of urinary incontinence .
18 It is inevitable , however , that the owner will still require an indication as to price expectation and fees at the first meeting .
19 A valuation offers an indication as to value .
20 Any doubts as to questions of reasonableness in either respect are resolved in favour of the paying party .
21 Any doubts as to questions of reasonableness in either respect are to be resolved in favour of the receiving party .
22 Another situation creating uncertainty as to party status is where reservations have been made to a treaty which have been objected to by some States but not by others .
23 Watkins L.J. , at p. 82 , asked where else the Home Secretary could look for guidance as to retribution and deterrence , if not to the judges .
24 The interpretation of building details is a specialised aspect of studying the landscape , but careful recording by drawings or photographs may enable experts to give some guidance as to date or former use .
25 Judicial officials were given more guidance as to punishment than had been available previously , but a great deal of discretion remained .
26 It requested LEAs to prepare and submit to the Secretary of State plans for reorganising secondary education on comprehensive lines , and offered guidance as to methods of achieving this .
27 If you are , feel able to go one step further , and make specific guidance as to sectors in the way we 've described , by reference to physical features , that would be fine .
28 Stipulations as to time
29 Reference was made to Gloag on Contract ( 2nd edn ) , pp 617 and 618 , which respectively state : ‘ Stipulations as to time of payment are not treated as material conditions of the contract , except in very special cases ’ , and , ‘ [ The ] question is whether the conduct of the party in default is such as to indicate that he intends to repudiate his contractual obligations . ’
30 After a flurry of litigation it is now settled that stipulations as to time in a rent review clause are prima facie not of the essence ( United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley BC [ 1977 ] 2 All ER 62 ) ; nor is an obligation to prepare service charge accounts ( West Central Investments Ltd v Borovik ( 1977 ) 241 EG 609 ) .
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