Example sentences of "[noun] as you could " in BNC.

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1 Its engine was American , its assembly was completed in America , it would n't have happened without Shelby 's American dream , but underneath it all the Shelby AC Cobra was a British a sports car as you could wish to see .
2 All entries showed imagination and , more to the point , a keen enjoyment in the task of cramming in as many obscure and erudite words as you could find in the dictionary .
3 It was as green a light as you could get for the never-ending demands for U-turns from Mr Gould , followed by several Shadow Cabinet colleagues .
4 If you are sailing in this curved air flow you can not sail as close to the wind as you could if you had been in clear wind .
5 The house band and the musical instruments he gathers together here — drawn variously from the ranks of primitive innovator Harry Partch and his disciple Tom Waits — are as far from normal as you can get , as far from easy listening as you could be and go right to the psychic core of the Mingus muse .
6 She wo n't be as damaged by you dashing her dream as you could be by continuing with something that makes you ill .
7 As much a sport as you could call erm
8 Turn left and come to the Wasserkirche , the Water Church , as lovely a piece of late Gothic architecture as you could wish to see .
9 There was a big double door kept permanently open between the two rooms , and it was as comfortable a place as you could imagine .
10 The ten diagonal chimneys rising from the steep pantiled roof are the finishing touch , making Allerthorpe as grand a farmhouse as you could find in all Yorkshire .
11 We , I used to move around a lot on those days as you could do really speaking because I was n't old enough to be under the Essential Works Order you see , and er I was by the time I went into the army it was 1946 so er the war was over .
12 But if you choose to dwell only on the aspects of life you find upsetting , you may not experience as much joy as you could .
13 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
14 ‘ Free rock'n'roll in the park every weekend with naked girls everywhere , and as much pussy as you could eat . ’
15 The question for an Industrial Tribunal is not whether one of them was innocent but whether you carried out such reasonable investigation as you could and you reasonably believed it was either or both and dismissed them both because of that belief .
16 These are the limestone arres , and as unwelcoming a site as you could think of for a new resort .
17 And keep it warm and then er if you had er Then you had the chickens to you had to set the clucking hens and and bring out as many chickens as you could .
18 I mean , alright , we know you 're handling large lumps of money , but when you think of it , if you , if you , borrowed it at a different rate , you know , same rate as you could do finance , 'cos which I think the government could do it and make a profit at it .
19 Up an abrupt conical escarpment dotted with modern but pleasant villas was an olive-scattered plateau and as much tranquillity as you could wish for .
20 No , I 'd say that wife of his was as unsuitable a sick-nurse as you could find . ’
21 That apart , the book is as encyclopaedic a work on homebuilding and homebuilts as you could hope to find , as befits the fastest growing sector of general aviation , and the one where the greatest innovation is now to be found .
22 Was it any part of your job to give such contraceptive advice as you could to ,
23 and that it was er er obviously going to be a cost-effective exercise to do it there and then , and er you both er canvassed as many councillors as you could at the time , all the committee Chairmen were , were involved , I do n't see that you could have done any more in the circumstances .
24 As fine a herd of slaves as you could wish — one hundred and twenty prime males and another seventy young females , half a dozen or so children and two suckling babes .
25 Some might think Langholm an unlikely location for a PLC head office — about as far from the madding crowd as you could get .
26 The trial unmasked him as a complete charlatan and , in the words of one detective , ‘ as close to being the perfect rapist as you could get ’ .
27 Detective Inspector Mike Bennett said : ‘ He was as close to being the perfect rapist as you could get .
28 German unification , as severe a jolt to the system as you could imagine , obliged the Bundesbank , the system 's de facto anchor , to adopt a monetary policy that was at odds with the needs of its partners .
29 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
30 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
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