Example sentences of "[noun] [pn reflx] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 They walk together now , Philip listening , in horror and disbelief , as Iain unburdens himself of the story .
2 In natural language indexing which uses a stoplist only , the indexing language is open ; there is no record other than the index itself of the indexing terms that have been assigned .
3 I have not changed my decision to disburden myself of the task .
4 This volume was thus very largely taken up with an exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity , not as a second-order theological construction , but as sketching the basis within God himself of the possibility and actuality of his making of himself known to us in jesus Christ .
5 She was never told by the London office or by Mary herself of the important part that Miss Read had played in the Tiller story .
6 Not only are the pub interiors themselves of the nondescript , open-plan kind , but the barn to the rear has been wholly mutilated .
7 Can a company that is the holding company of a small group avail itself of the exemption under ss 248 and 249 of the CA 1985 , and apply s 8(a) of the standard and not prepare either a cash flow statement or a consolidated cash flow statement , whether it prepares group accounts or not ?
8 If you are elderly or disabled avail yourself of the home help service .
9 And the former head of the Hitler Youth , Baldur von Schirach , who retained even at Nuremberg a naïve attachment to Hitler , indicated in his memoirs the effect on Hitler himself of the constant toadying and sycophancy which surrounded him , shielding him from rational criticism or genuine debate , and bolstering his increasing detachment from reality .
10 More important , perhaps , was the emergence in the Baltic republics themselves of an open , widely supported and coordinated nationalist movement taking the form of ‘ popular fronts ’ ( or in Lithuania , Sajudis ) .
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