Example sentences of "[noun] [been] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Youth unemployment has since the mid-1970s been a central fact or a central fear of many young people , and has affected many others .
2 This interdependence was not simply the outcome of company imposition : had direct compulsion by the employers been the crucial mechanism , political quiescence would probably not have resulted , as illustrated by the resistance of Kent miners to buttyism ( Goffer , 1977 ) and that of Doncaster area miners to village stratagems ( Gibbon , 1988 ) .
3 There has also in many of these cases been an increasing awareness , not just of the local situation , but of the regional and National set-up , and a clearer vision of the more overtly political values , such as what sort of society communities would really like to live in .
4 This has of course been a gradual process but has achieved results ( see figure 2 ) .
5 This problem of ‘ additionality ’ has of course been a long-standing one in relation to the British government and European Community assistance — as discussed in the Obair Report .
6 It was a challenge ; not for nothing had Mrs Lorimer been a formidable ARP warden in the war , and later a JP .
7 If the handicapping effects of disabilities are to be minimised , appropriate education , training and support been the early teens and the middle twenties is essential .
8 Durability has at all times been a main attribute of the materials held in highest regard and it is precisely the most durable things that have most chance of surviving .
9 I think you know it 's hard you g got to go with Leicester at the moment because they 're in the pole position and I have for my money been the better side but er Forest do look capable of snatching an equalizer .
10 Dr Jaffery said that very few people in Delhi now wanted to study classical Persian , the language which , like French in Imperial Russia , had for centuries been the first tongue of every educated Delhi-wallah .
11 Korea had for centuries been an independent nation ( though within the Chinese orbit ) .
12 In only 5 of 11 years has P. albimonus been the commonest species , four others having occupied that position ; in 1977 Episyrphus balteatus formed nearly half the total catch ; in 1976 , a third of the species caught were represented by one individual ; and the number of individuals per species has varied from 20 in 1981 to over 120 in 1978 .
13 Politics , however — at least in the sense of nationalist feeling — had for many decades been an important and even a dominant theme in children 's fiction , and we would expect to find Ruritanian stones using nationalistic honour as a theme at least in books where adventure made any pretence of being more than a game .
14 It is quoted in full : 6 Private residence exception : separated couples Where a married couple separate or are divorced and one partner ceases to occupy the matrimonial home and subsequently as part of a financial settlement disposes of the home , or an interest in it , to the other partner the home may be regarded for the purposes of Sections [ 222 to 224 of TCGA 1992 ] 101 to 103 as continuing to be a residence of the transferring partner from the date his or her occupation ceases until the date of transfer , provided that it has throughout this period been the other partner 's only or main residence .
15 I turned to Jamie and then the girl , cleared my throat and said quite clearly : ‘ I did n't know if you two ever shared or , indeed , still do share , for that matter , for all that I know , at least mutually between yourselves but at any rate not including me — the misconception I once perchanced to place upon the words contained upon yonder sign , but it is a fact that I thought the ‘ union ’ referred to in said nomenclature delineated an association of working people , and it did seem to me at the time to be quite a socialist thing for the town fathers to call a street ; it struck me that all was not yet lost as regards the prospects for a possible peace or at the very least a cease-fire in the class war if such acknowledgements of the worth of trade unions could find their way on to such a venerable and important thoroughfare 's sign , but I must admit I was disabused of this sadly over-optimistic notion when my father-God rest his sense of humour-informed me that it was the then recently confirmed union of the English and Scottish parliaments the local worthies-in common with hundreds of other town councils throughout what had until that point been an independent realm — were celebrating with such solemnity and permanence , doubtless with a view to the opportunities for profit which this early form of takeover bid offered . ’
16 Had the score been the other way round I 'm sure we 'd have been the first match to be shown with umpteen repeats of all the goals .
17 Falcone , 53 , himself a Sicilian , had in recent years been a leading figure in the Italian state 's campaign against the criminal activities of the Sicilian Mafia .
18 At the NOTTINGHAM PLAYHOUSE , stimulating repertoire enjoys international acclaim and the ALBERT HALL has for many years been a popular venue for classical concerts .
19 The Runnymede Trust has for many years been a reliable and valuable resource for anti-racists .
20 NVQs [ National Vocational Qualifications ] have for three years been an important part of the retail training Scheme RTS ] for youngsters entering JS .
21 The United Kingdom has for many years been the preferred location for United States investment in Europe .
22 In fact , he believes that the formation of C&P has in the event been a powerful factor in enabling research to be rationalized throughout the whole ICI Group .
23 Has my wee china been a good boy ?
24 Fourth , it compares the British experience with trends in other western states in the 1980s , has the so-called Thatcher revolution been no more than the British reflection of trends apparent elsewhere ?
25 Instead , they went on watching the Syrian tanks manoeuvring down the road half a mile away , in what had the previous day been the Christian front line .
26 Had the Tunguska object been a 15-Mton comet , far less surface destruction would have resulted , because of the much higher altitude of the airburst .
27 Although his initial performances have been below par it has by no means been the worst start to a Test career by a recognised English batman .
28 The 1983-87 period has in some ways been a wasted opportunity paradoxically perhaps , a period of consolidation between bursts of radical change .
29 Steel-Maitland could at last be moved from the Ministry of Labour , which had in many ways been the key departmental post of the administration , and in which he had throughout been ill-regarded but undisturbed .
30 He had swiftly risen to prominence during student demonstrations in favour of a multiparty system in Tirana in December 1990 , and the DP had that month been the first opposition party to be formed [ see p. 37924 ] .
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