Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You have no conception how deeply he distressed me .
2 Your level of stress will depend on your level of physical and psychological activity-in other words how much your body and brain can take .
3 We should pay the coaches to go to tournaments and watch and perhaps they could put over to the kids how hard they have to work ’
4 While we await the outcome of the general election , does he have any plans to discuss with the Northern Ireland parties how best we can all further inward investment ?
5 It 's very difficult , and I think that people involved in the Gardener Centre have , ever since its inception , found it quite difficult to work how quite how it fits into the overall Brighton scene , and I find it fascinating to look at the nature of facilities which exist in central Brighton and try and work out in one 's own mind how best he facility of the Gardener fits in with that .
6 Even while the various rugby groups in South Africa are heading for unification , the New Zealand Rugby Football Union still can not quite make up its mind how quickly it should bridge the gap which has existed since the tumultuous Springbok tour of New Zealand in 1981 .
7 Let us bear in mind how much they must have suffered to achieve such beauty .
8 When considering this option , bear in mind how long it might be before your retire — if it is likely to be 35 years , then the pension loan is not for you .
9 Then you have the noise of the fan where upstairs you 've got the window .
10 She would make Hari Morgan interested in her scheme for an emporium however much it cost her in lost pride for in .
11 Most Labour stalwarts , patient people who had set their sights on achieving un-encumbered Labour rule however long it took , were distinctly unenthusiastic about such a prospect .
12 A manager is accountable to his superiors in the organisation for his actions and he is obliged to report to his superior how well he has exercised his responsibility and the use of the authority delegated to him .
13 His obvious hunger made her wonder how long he had been up and about .
14 I was copying all the afternoon ( Piero ) and I was in the sort of mood where normally I have to go out to the cinema or to a coffee-bar , anywhere .
15 But in terms of actual control , we have forsworn many other areas where hitherto we sought to control by centralized edict .
16 But eventually the truth will emerge in areas where now we can only make guesses .
17 In Northern Ireland where unfortunately there are no Tesco stores , there is a set target aimed at getting a minimum Save The Children Fund week involvement in seventy five percent of branches .
18 The central idea to transmit is that any programme is a formal device through which rewards can be provided when the problem does not occur in circumstances where sometimes it does , and through which disincentives are provided whenever the problem does occur .
19 We should like to be constructive and we shall consider with our allies how best we can respond .
20 38 COSTS How much your move will really cost
21 But no desert when it comes to wild life , for this is the Flow Country where David Bellamy brought to popular attention how deep he could sink as he cavorted from tuft to tuft of floating bog .
22 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
23 Listen , I go to places where once there were thousands of alpacas ; now I see hundreds of cows and sheep .
24 Second , a place-based concern must be directed to the study of other places where perhaps there is no visible soil erosion problem , but where there are processes of spatial displacement of land-users .
25 I see myself as one of these animals , and I await with resignation but with confidence the moment when either I live out my life as providence decrees or I die as prescribed , convinced that I shall thus be useful in two ways , first to France and then to humanity .
26 Not only in being able to select a group where perhaps we can justify more aggressive therapy , or even a group that perhaps we should just treat palatally but also in the future with the development of anti- angiogenic therapy .
27 There is no special law allowing A , B , and C to meet together in the open air or elsewhere for a lawful purpose , but the right of A to go where he pleases so that he does not commit a trespass , and to say what he likes to B so that his talk is not libellous or seditious , the right of B to do the like , and the existence of the same rights of C , D , E , and F and so on ad infinitum , lead to the consequence that A , B , C , D and a thousand or ten thousand other persons , may ( as a general rule ) meet together in any place where otherwise they each have a right to be for a lawful purpose and in a lawful manner .
28 I wondered aloud whether it was possible to buy one of their bulletproof vests and whether there were trousers to match ; but really I wanted to be away from this place where even my pure anger had been stolen from me .
29 But it just shows how , here , I said , how embarr there 's no different to any other place where ever you go .
30 The daylight did not penetrate far into the room where only his desk lamp was lit .
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