Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 You have no conception how deeply he distressed me .
2 It 's very difficult , and I think that people involved in the Gardener Centre have , ever since its inception , found it quite difficult to work how quite how it fits into the overall Brighton scene , and I find it fascinating to look at the nature of facilities which exist in central Brighton and try and work out in one 's own mind how best he facility of the Gardener fits in with that .
3 A manager is accountable to his superiors in the organisation for his actions and he is obliged to report to his superior how well he has exercised his responsibility and the use of the authority delegated to him .
4 His obvious hunger made her wonder how long he had been up and about .
5 But no desert when it comes to wild life , for this is the Flow Country where David Bellamy brought to popular attention how deep he could sink as he cavorted from tuft to tuft of floating bog .
6 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
7 The young man 's solicitor explained to the court how badly he was hurt in the accident .
8 Yet when he set off on 20 September 1519 , with a royal mandate to search for a passage through to the Mar del Sur , and thus to determine for certain that the Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains , he had not the foggiest notion how far he might have to travel .
9 Gulls picked at the mudbanks where once he 'd searched for jewellery .
10 A pro knows within a few yards how far he can hit the ball with each club — unlike the club golfer who has a wide variation from day to day , and even from hole to hole .
11 But it had also been brought home to her with chilling clarity how easily he might have snatched her .
12 However , it is not clear from the information presented by Burr how well he has been able to cope with the irregular morphological structure of English .
13 Martin looked up into the dark sky where now he could see a faint pattern of grey , scudding clouds , then whispered , ‘ I do n't think it 'll last long with this wind , and there 's more snow in the air .
14 Setting his face towards the barrow , which was still perhaps half a mile away in dramatic relief against the angry sky , he had the feeling that he was bring followed ; that wherever he went , and no matter how fast he covered the ground , his every move was shadowed .
15 Hunt meant that no matter how well he now did , Niki had to do considerably less well than he had done so far if he , James , was going to have any chance to catch him .
16 No company would permit an unqualified accountant to audit its books , no matter how well he presents himself , and no patient would allow a doctor without qualifications to operate on him just because he has plenty of ‘ implied ’ ability .
17 Little that John le Grant said was ever reassuring , no matter how right he might be .
18 No matter how carefully he sliced each shovelful in an arc out on the wind , there were certain unpredictable gusts that lifted the grains and blew them back towards the tractor so that by evening his clothes were filthy with lime , his face and hands as white as chalk , accentuating the inflamed red round his eyes .
19 Most players like to have some relief but they know with him that no matter how much he is hurting he will go on . ’
20 Both places had latches and as long as I got ten yards ' start on him , I could slam the door shut and slip my half clothes-peg under the latch — I always carried a half clothes-peg for the purpose — and no matter how much he blasphemed and kicked at the door he could n't get in .
21 Endill wondered why he was n't enormously fat and wobbly but no matter how much he ate , Mould stayed the same shape .
22 The word ‘ championship ’ , however , no matter how much he may have been thinking about it privately , I did not hear from him until much later in the year , when the scales began to tip in his favour .
23 She still did n't understand what he meant by all that , no matter how much he explained .
24 Iron Josh also had his instinct and it told him that , no matter how much he had tried to hide the fact that he was worried , Bertha had guessed .
25 No matter how much he wiped at the condensation on the window , he could still barely see what was going on out there .
26 No matter how much he 's paying .
27 Raking the comb through cropped curls that gleamed like polished mahogany , Polly tried to stifle her doubts and the nagging feeling that somehow she should have known there would be strings attached to Clive 's offer no matter how much he protested otherwise .
28 But no matter how much he twisted and turned , the Liverpool dynamo gave him no rest .
29 ‘ No , he was already married , you see , a marriage he could never escape from , no matter how much he might have wanted to .
30 She had no evidence to back it up , but in her heart she knew that Luke would never deal with a man like Martin , no matter how much he stood to gain from it .
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