Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] [adv] we " in BNC.

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1 While we await the outcome of the general election , does he have any plans to discuss with the Northern Ireland parties how best we can all further inward investment ?
2 But in terms of actual control , we have forsworn many other areas where hitherto we sought to control by centralized edict .
3 But eventually the truth will emerge in areas where now we can only make guesses .
4 We should like to be constructive and we shall consider with our allies how best we can respond .
5 Not only in being able to select a group where perhaps we can justify more aggressive therapy , or even a group that perhaps we should just treat palatally but also in the future with the development of anti- angiogenic therapy .
6 all of our paid fors have er , done very well this year in circulation terms all but two of them have increased their circulation in the first half , despite quite high price rises , for instance the York county newspaper , the weekly there , we have a daily but the weekly there went up by five P and the weekly in Bath where again we have a daily that went up by six P .
7 This was the case at the dedication of the temple in Solomon 's day when simply we read : ‘ the glory of the LORD filled the temple . ’
8 Mr Van den Broek said in March that the Community ‘ should fix a date midway through this decade when together we can review progress … towards satisfying the conditions for eventual membership . ’
9 Postcards to be here by Wednesday next week when again we 'll have , all being well , our Funny Man competition .
10 In fact I 'm sure they 'll beat them at the Manor and go through to the next round where hopefully we can probably play one of the big teams like — Oh , Manchester United , Newcastle or probably — Oh , I do n't know
11 So the priest addresses God Wherefore also we thy servants , O Lord , and also thy holy people , in memory as well of the blessed passion of the same Christ , thy Son , our Lord , as of his resurrection from the dead , and also of his glorious ascension into the heavens do offer unto thy excellent majesty , of thine own gifts albeit given unto us , a pure , a holy , an undefiled sacrifice , the holy bread of eternal life , and the cup of everlasting salvation .
12 ‘ Part of the purpose of going was to remind the people in the Vatican how much we value and treasure ecumenical relationships in Great Britain .
13 When we were little children how eagerly we used to gather pieces of broken tile , little sticks , and mud with which to build houses and other tiny buildings , and if someone knocked them over , how heartbroken we were and how we cried !
14 No matter how often we tell people that a dog is for life , not just for Christmas , some are always abandoned within hours of being given as a present . ’
15 No matter how much we do in developing our own media projects in this continent and around the world , we will still only be one small voice in the vast ocean of communication media .
16 I did n't understand Jamie ; he was half the size I was , half the weight or less , and no matter how much we drank together he never seemed to be affected .
17 Children are subjected every day to newspaper and television news bulletins revealing the brutality and ugliness of the world and no matter how hard we try we could never successfully protect our young from the harsh reality of our violent world .
18 We will never catch up with this galaxy , no matter how hard we try .
19 Maybe this was my chance to make up for all those little oversights and lapses in the past , which we all have no matter how hard we try to forget or overlook them .
20 It talks about the confident assumption that life on earth will exist in some form however much we manage to foul things up for our own species and those close to us .
21 Kausmann shows how far we have come from the 19th century , when a girl 's linen box , full of beautifully embroidered monogrammed sheets , was part of her dowry .
22 This is unrealistic , but outward appearances do indicate to others how much we value ourselves .
23 Most of us have no idea how much we actually pay for services , because in fact we do buy parts at odd times when they are needed , so the cost is spread out over the year .
24 We 've been very careful not to be seen to be interfering or for anybody to think that we were going to tell groups how they would run their groups , because the groups are fairly autonomous and they pre-existed parish councils er , but a you know this is almost a direct invitation and we could actually respond to this in terms of an invitation and ask other groups if they would be interested in our respon in our going to , to visit them , rather than a surgery where maybe we 'd sit here and nobody would turn up .
25 A second obvious problem is the striking blank where normally we would expect to find discussion of content .
26 On the latter point , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made it plain in his statement that we shall explore further with Russia and the other republics how best we can assist in the provision of employment for the scientists within the CIS to prevent them from going abroad .
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