Example sentences of "[noun] [am/are] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The outlaws are not like that ? ’
2 Its high notes are not of good quality .
3 Notes that you can consult are of great value , but much of the fundamental interpretation of your subjects must be based on an effective memory when notes are not to hand .
4 Your notes are not to be imperishable works of art , but merely businesslike tools to help you in your studies and in reaching the standard required by examiners .
5 The position is summarised in Rex v. Bishop of Chester , 1 W.Bl. 22 , 25 , by Lee C.J. : ‘ Certainly , if a visitor is in his jurisdiction his acts are not to be inquired into ; if out of it , his acts are void . ’
6 Her reasons are not to be and were not dismissed lightly , but during the hearing the situation changed dramatically .
7 Though if he took his own life , as everyone has always supposed , and as we are still likely to be supposing after the present rumours have been scotched — if the balance of his mind was disturbed , that curious disruption which accompanies a man 's election to end his life , but never any other procedure , no matter how eccentric or irrational — then reasons are not to be looked for .
8 It is policy of the Corporate Finance Group not to hold client money , title documents or custodial investments because the necessary systems , procedures and expertise are not in place .
9 While different kinds of discrimination are not to be conflated , I believe there is something to be learned from homophobia about other kinds .
10 But vets are not without blame .
11 The Corinthians are not in the privileged position of judges between theological niceties .
12 If you are over 50 years of age , if your skills are not in demand or if you live in an economic blackspot , you may find that your chances of finding a suitable job elsewhere are poor .
13 Cheap reels are not worth a second thought .
14 He stressed : ‘ These policies are n't for our benefit — usually the bank is paid up-front as a preferred creditor .
15 Obviously these policies are not for three months , three thousand miles , they are for a much longer period than that , and obviously if people do have problems then that 's what we 're here for .
16 But it should be remembered that these two policies are not to be treated as mutually exclusive : the fiscal position often has important ramifications for the conduct of monetary policy .
17 As discussed in section 6.2.3 , FC policies are not without their critics ( e.g. Shoard 1987 ) ; many conservationists believe that the widespread use of alien conifers is neither environmentally nor aesthetically beneficial to the British landscape .
18 Obree and Williamson are not on this year 's start sheet so far and Gibson is top seed .
19 Then we move on from the getting of work , the erm doing of work to ensuring that the operations are not in going back to our quality , that the actual profit that we are producing and delivering is er of the top top quality .
20 If the argumentative aspects of attitudes are stressed , then attitudes are not to be viewed solely as individual evaluative responses towards a given stimulus object .
21 But in an important respect , ( the one this article is about ) , helices are not at all classical .
22 In other ways , too , the evidence of coins needs to be used with sensitivity , since the depictions on coins are not at all like modern photographs .
23 According to this account the formation of associations during pre-exposure and the loss of associability are not to be thought of as rival interpretations of latent inhibition .
24 Vegetables are not to be outdone .
25 It is important in any analysis of a crime such as cattle stealing , in which individual cases are not of great significance , to assess the frequency of the offence .
26 Such reactions are not at all surprising , given what has recently come to light — despite the sanpro industry 's secrecy .
27 These reactions are not unlike those ( and also the sequence of those ) feelings that attend being raped or involved in death and dying .
28 Presumably the viewers ' discarded baked bean cans are not for actually building the intensive care units , but are to be recycled for money to fund them .
29 The signs are not at all difficult to pick up .
30 But industrial conflicts are not of this kind .
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