Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 We will discuss here two different methods which have the advantage that they can be combined into a more comprehensive system .
2 It is important to distinguish clearly between the features of the paper based life cycle which were a product of the limitations of the media and can now be joyfully abandoned , and methods which have an ongoing role when re-interpreted into the electronic life cycle .
3 Organizations which have a market orientation are said to have adopted the ‘ marketing concept ’ .
4 If one looks for the perfect image of a great country seat in the Victorian novel , it is hard to better this one , seen by middle-class eyes which have no place in the picture they present to the reader :
5 I therefore decided to fit two 30″ , 25w Triton tube lighting units which have a brilliant , pleasing , colour enhancing effect and promote lush green algaes which are beneficial as a natural food source for herbivorous fish in the system .
6 Some success is now claimed for the ‘ magnetic ’ water treatment units which have the same effect on suspended matter .
7 Since the mid-nineteenth century , the continuing reform of company law has tried to strike a balance between all of those parties which have an interest in the corporation — shareholders , creditors , directors , customers , suppliers and employees .
8 The finance of trade and capital flows can be carried out in various currencies when the latter are freely convertible into each other , although payment may be preferred in currencies which have a more stable exchange value .
9 The disk is pentagonal , up to 90 mm in diameter and covered with small stumpy spinelets which have a multipointed crown .
10 The disk is round , diameter up to 7 mm , covered by multipointed spinelets which have a very wide crown , approximately round in the top view with many irregular points , often 10 or more .
11 In ordinary cars the higher temperature is produced by having a higher compression ratio and one is used to having high performance cars which have a high compression ratio and need special grades of petrol to avoid knocking and pinking and other effects detrimental to the car , and of course that leads to the need for lead to be added to petrol to stop knocking .
12 In Part Two we shall examine these in more detail and consider some of the mundane influences which have a bearing on their execution .
13 This smaller team takes records to shops which have a high singles turnover and also carries the most popular current albums to top up a shop 's supply of its best-selling products .
14 As there is no ‘ use by ’ date on these kits at the moment , it is probably best to avoid buying them from shops which have a very low turnover of stock .
15 Indecent material may only be displayed in licensed sex shops which have no window display and can not be seen into from the street , do not admit people under 18 years of age and which carry a warning sign to this effect over the door .
16 On behalf of the Do n't Tax Reading Books Group , the BA has produced A2 , A3 and A4 posters , and A5 bag stuffers/leaflets which have a poster on one side and the arguments as to why books should not be taxed on the other .
17 It is largely the case that catholic nationalists go to one set of schools which have a visible catholic and nationalist ethos , and protestant loyalists go to another , some of which have a less visible protestant ethos , but all of which have a loyalist ethos as well .
18 Likewise it is only a few exceptional relationships which have the short-term characteristic of a money purchase in the market .
19 One way would be for the letter detector for , say , Y-in-the-fifth-position to have inhibitory links not only to the word detectors for words which have any other letter in that position , but also to those detectors for words which have no fifth letter .
20 Every culture will organise the world according to its own perceptions of reality ; thus one language may have words which have no equivalent concept in another .
21 Signed Danish is a gestural/auditive language in which Danish is spoken at the same time as signs from the Sign Language are used for all words which have a concept , and as far as possible grammatical rules [ are used ] from sign language .
22 We have seen how entries in the internal lexicon can be more easily or less easily accessed according to whether they correspond to words which have a high or low frequency of occurrence in language .
23 Since this strategy works outwards from the highest scoring words , it is possible to show ( see Woods 1982 ) that islands always incorporate words which have a density score no greater than the words already in the island .
24 It is verbal irony when some character comes out with a statement or a choice of words which have a meaning to those in the know , either within the text or outside it , that is significantly different or even contradictory to that which the character may be supposed to have in mind .
25 Make lists of words which have the same stress pattern , keeping the lists as consistent as possible with regards to CV pattern and segmental length .
26 The result of the previous given check list was , for example , as follows : Put the words which have the same sound into established lists .
27 Homographs , or words which have the same spelling but very diverse meanings , must be identified .
28 The lexicon contains 4000 words which have the highest frequency of occurrence according to the American Heritage Word Frequency Book ( Carroll , Davies & Richman , 1971 ) .
29 The two numbers should not be compared because the first refers to words which have the same word boundaries , and the second refers to words in the same region .
30 There are some things which no one would wish to know for their own sake , some subjects which have no possibility of being endowed with general significance .
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