Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] for the " in BNC.

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1 quick look at the map , the River Ouse conveniently chops Selby district in roughly half , and that there might well be considerations which for the sake of was not okay .
2 They chose Milan as the venue because of the presence of two schools which for the previous ten years had pursued the Pure Oral System , or the German System as it was more commonly known , and to help to give the Congress credibility , they chose as the President one of the schools ' headmasters , while the other school 's headmaster was Secretary .
3 In the case of independent schools which for the most part are not run as independent profit making institutions and which set the fees to raise enough money to cover the cost of running the school , the test is virtually indistinguishable from a market value test .
4 Russian agriculture in early NEP was an involuntary small-scale transport industry which for the most part lay far away from the railway lines .
5 ‘ I square up onto a prepared board which for the larger paintings is medium density fibreboard , or MDF , half an inch thick which I have primed on both sides .
6 There were only two coaches which for the most part were filled with students — except on Parma 's market days , Wednesdays and Saturdays , when they were crowded with country people .
7 For later he also believed that the motor accident and its consequences could have destroyed his morale but for the tranquil worship of the little Oxfordshire village which for the time was his base .
8 He has a singular mind and what is on it at the moment , seems , in our time of stagnation , to speak for a lost England ; and England which for the moment has been buried beneath the slogans of ideology and the jargon of modish materialism and press vendettas and bile .
9 There was no necessitating circumstance whatever for the appearance .
10 ‘ Subject to section 4 below , no person shall in the United Kingdom accept a deposit in the course of carrying on ( whether there or elsewhere ) a business which for the purposes of this Act is a deposit-taking business unless that person is an institution for the time being authorised by the Bank under the following provisions of this Part of this Act .
11 Gloucester were very fortunate in getting a late penalty kick and in fact the very last kick of the game saw Tim Smith come up to get one point which for the last 35 minutes looked the most improbable result of all .
12 There is also a mention if the cargo contribution to airlines which for the passenger carriers is , at 50 per cent return on revenue , the most profitable thing they have in the market at the moment .
13 Convocation was rarely concerned now with reform ; Archbishop Stratford in 1342 was the last primate until the sixteenth century to issue provincial constitutions in this body which for the rest of the reign was wholly concerned with royal taxation or with eliciting , in exchange for grants , relief from crown or lay encroachments on church liberties or property .
14 In 1651 the Dutch republic forbade its diplomats to accept gifts from foreign governments ; and in 1692 regulations were issued in Sweden which for the first time specified the value of those to be given to foreign representatives on their departure .
15 The North York Moors National Park committee has agreed to expand its Moorsbus service which for the last ten years has enabled visitors to get to the heart of the moors without congesting roads and villages with private cars .
16 The polar moment of inertia of the Moon C has been determined from J 2 , and from the physical librations which for the Moon have played an equivalent role in determining C to that played by the rate of polar axis precession in the case of the Earth ( see section 3.2.1 ) .
17 The guidelines include a list of entry qualifications which for the most part are similar to those granting entry to the Council 's teacher-training courses for would-be school teachers ; in that respect , they do not accord with NATFHE 's belief that formal entry requirements are less important than the achievement of terminal standards .
18 born in Church Street I , I was only one , there were no brothers or sisters which for the record , I regret because all around me I had cousins , dozens of them and erm the families round me was big families and it was the , there was er times when it was bad weather or something like that and you could n't congregate outside , you 'd go to somebody 's house , are you coming ?
19 Capitalists were forced to concede the wage rises which for the system as a whole were needed to sustain accumulation .
20 They themselves might ‘ motor ’ down to their country retreat at the weekends but they looked with signal disfavour on the idea that the vast mass of the populace might enjoy a similar mobility and have access to pleasures which for the moment were peculiarly their own .
21 Even if it is true that only intention is relevant , this is no argument whatsoever for the admissibility of such trusts .
22 But for our present purposes , its interest is that it locates stylistic significance in the ideational function of language ; that is , in the cognitive meaning or sense which for the dualist is the invariant factor of content rather than the variable factor of style .
23 Her heart sank as she remembered the phone call which for the first time began to make sense .
24 But the paraphernalia of better light bulbs , lean-burn engines and cavity-wall insulation with which the North supports its arguments are likely to be dismissed as irrelevant in parts of the world which for the most part have no need for cavity walls .
25 So it is that close attention to the language itself and reference to systemic knowledge allows us to negotiate meaning and acquire the kind of information which for the reader in the schematic know is provided in advance .
26 Below me were Ribblehead and the viaduct , while to my right was Ingleborough which for the first time in days looked fresh and green instead of glowering and grey .
27 Within the Tower 's walls stood its keep , the imposing White Tower which for the two hundred and fifty years since the reign of Henry the Third had been regularly whitewashed .
28 Corporate executives contemplating the possibility of being required to commit corporate crimes know that they face a regulatory agency which for the most part will be unable to detect what is going on , and in the minority of cases when it does , it will have no heart and few resources to pursue the matter into the criminal courts .
29 Having been Chief Secretary to the Treasury before becoming Chancellor , and Chancellor before becoming Prime Minister , is the Prime Minister really trying to tell us that he bears no responsibility whatever for the recession ?
30 As Shevardnadze put it in a speech to foreign ministry staff in 1987 , they represented a country which for the previous fifteen years had been ‘ more and more losing its position as one of the leading industrially developed countries ’ .
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