Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] in the " in BNC.

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1 An ancient monument is ‘ any scheduled monument ’ and ‘ any other monument which in the opinion of the secretary of state is of public interest by reason of the historic , architectural , traditional , artistic or archaeological interest attaching to it ’ .
2 ‘ The council provides the site , I take care of their £400,000 investment which in the current economic climate they ca n't find , and the LTA gives me their £200,000 grant to run it .
3 Here are the real facts : Crane Holdings was in fact a highly speculative investment which in the event performed very badly .
4 First , where an application for an injunction is made ex parte and the defendant claims , or in the opinion of the court would be likely to claim , that he acted in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute , the court shall not grant the injunction unless satisfied that all steps which in the circumstances were reasonable have been taken with a view to securing that notice of the application and an opportunity of being heard with respect to the application have been given to him .
5 ‘ Women and Film ’ , to quote the title of E. Ann Kaplan 's ( 1983 ) important book on feminist film theory and criticism , defines a field of study which in the past fifteen to twenty years has been expanding rapidly .
6 An Assured Shorthold Tenant may make an application to a Rent Assessment Committee for a determination of the rent which in the opinion of the Committee the landlord might reasonably be expected to obtain for the property .
7 ‘ Through all the exhaustion and fear of the disastrous 1986 climb , Kurt Diemberger felt himself at one with creation , part of the ‘ endless knot ’ which put him in harmony with the cosmos and with a force which in the end was to save his life . ’
8 By examining the details visible on surviving coins it is possible to identify coins struck from the same die or dies , for they will show no divergence whatsoever in the details of the designs ( fig. 6 ) .
9 There is no evidence that addictive disease arises from traumas of early childhood or that psycho-therapeutic techniques that explore the emotional and behavioural patterns established in these early years have any effect whatever in the understanding or treatment of addictive disease .
10 What Mr seems to be directing is that the settlement should be directed to those areas which are at present have pleasant tree cover and things , which theoretically can assimilate a new settlement which in the context of the Vale of York , tend to be those areas which are th are of the better landscape quality .
11 These constitute a form of indirect discrimination which in the case of turbans was fought successfully by a Sikh family under the terms of the 1976 Race Relations Act ( porn , 1985 ) .
12 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
13 The task is to define the ‘ god ’ and lay down the precepts whereby the corresponding religion can be disciplined and protected from the kind of exploitation for political or financial advantage which in the past has corrupted or destroyed so many of the world 's religious activities .
14 If Soviet equipment is not always of an adequate standard , Western equipment is often over-sophisticated for Soviet purposes , demanding much by way of supporting technologies which in the USSR simply do not exist .
15 Garvin had been brought up to hunting and shooting , skills which in the opinion of the Consul-General exactly equipped a young man for a career in the Ministry of the Interior .
16 Conceptions which in the 1960s might have precipitated a ‘ forced ’ marriage now either lead to abortion or , increasingly , to births in non-marital unions , concerning which more will be said later .
17 It is submitted that a number of cases which in the past applied the literal rule would now be decided in the opposite way .
18 Curiously , he was not deported , a sentence which in the two years immediately after the war was handed down to at least fifty young people who had come over on the Kindertransporte .
19 That just depicts the same structure in terms of constituents and sub-constituents , so the whole thing is a sentence which in the bracketing notation just has the sentence with its bracket and the other bracket 's way down the other end , and this is mirrored by the label sentence occurring at the top of the tree , it means it covers everything below it roughly .
20 Money which in the sixteenth century had played merely a marginal , though a necessary part , now became the one thing necessary for the maintenance of life …
21 The grant of jurisdiction to a tribunal or other decision-maker must involve a power to come to a decision which in the opinion of a reviewing court may well be wrong .
22 Can we wait for prosperity and education to keep mankind in check ; so the humble villager , the wretched dweller in the shantytown does n't choose the traditional , unthinking , long-term option of a dozen children , the decision which in the long term destroys both them and theirs ?
23 They work incredibly long hours with no day of rest for a monthly income which in the United States would not even amount to a basic daily wage .
24 The experiment has gathered wide support , even from left-wing groups which in the past sought to overthrow the monarchy , but which now express support for constitutional reform .
25 I am thinking , for example , of the city of Belfast and other urban areas throughout Northern Ireland which in the past year have suffered more than ever from air pollution .
26 that talk about the company of which I 'm chairman is that there is a personnel and compensation committee which in the absence of a chief executive sets the chief executive 's remuneration and with the presence of the chief executive , although he 's not , I 'm not a member of that committee we work on the other senior executives of the company , it 's quite similar to the process used here in your company .
27 Tatian was also influential for making a harmony of the four gospels which in the Syriac-speaking churches of the East long remained the standard lectionary text .
28 Mr , you and I have debated in the past er in this room er whether or not exceptional circumstances are necessary to define an inset boundary for a village which in the sketch plan of the greenbelt to have been shown as washed over .
29 Moreover , some of the countries where xenophobia has been politically mobilised very powerfully are , like France , also countries which in the past received , even encouraged , and successfully assimilated mass immigration to an extent almost comparable at times to the US : Italians , Spaniards , Poles , even North Africans .
30 Ministers took a similarly careful line on the issue of interest rates [ see pp. 37977-78 ; 38314 ] , noting that " those countries which in the future experience better than expected inflation performance may have a basis for an easing of monetary conditions and interest rates without jeopardizing the commitment to price stability and exchange rate objectives " .
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