Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [vb base] no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 If one looks for the perfect image of a great country seat in the Victorian novel , it is hard to better this one , seen by middle-class eyes which have no place in the picture they present to the reader :
2 That flurry produced a result which bore no resemblance to most of what had gone before .
3 In the last 21 years the British state has developed a range of counter-insurgency techniques which have been exported all over the world : ‘ special units ’ such as the SAS , sectarian shoot-to-kill squads , political laws , special courts , media censorship and new styles of torture which leave no mark .
4 Indecent material may only be displayed in licensed sex shops which have no window display and can not be seen into from the street , do not admit people under 18 years of age and which carry a warning sign to this effect over the door .
5 One way would be for the letter detector for , say , Y-in-the-fifth-position to have inhibitory links not only to the word detectors for words which have any other letter in that position , but also to those detectors for words which have no fifth letter .
6 Every culture will organise the world according to its own perceptions of reality ; thus one language may have words which have no equivalent concept in another .
7 Those who throw sticks and stones which break bones can be better off in law than those who project hurtful words which leave no permanent mark .
8 There have already been some improvements in organisation in the forces which battle drugs and terrorism , two areas of crime which recognise no geographical boundaries .
9 There are some things which no one would wish to know for their own sake , some subjects which have no possibility of being endowed with general significance .
10 Of course , merely artificial creations are unnatural and are therefore unjust ; but if there is indeed a common descent from Adam , and the world is a family grown demographically from him and his wife , there must be potential descent groups larger than nations which have no taint of artificiality .
11 It helps if these are on show , and makes it easier to select text accurately without disturbing the formatting of paragraphs which need no further editing .
12 Institutions which concede no place for feelings and assume that the two aspects of our lives , private and public , have to be kept absolutely separate , are not healthy for anyone .
13 The door had one of those big printed signs which shout NO ENTRY at everybody .
14 Will the Minister confirm that Kenya and Malawi are the largest African recipients of British aid , and that both are one-party states which show no signs of progress towards multi-party democracy ?
15 This struggle is the inevitable result of disciplines which have no claim to the validation procedures of the pure sciences and involve non-discursive as well as discursive practices and forms of knowledge .
16 The basic rationale for such courses derives from the discipline itself , and can be seen in its pure form in disciplines which have no obvious employment destination , such as philosophy or history .
17 You may also find icons which do no more than invoke an error message because the associated program or file has been erased from the harddisk .
18 The function of the leave requirement is not spelled out in Order 53 , but it is designed to weed out cases which have no real chance of success or which might be called ‘ frivolous ’ or ‘ vexatious ’ in the sense of being brought not out of a genuine interest in the outcome but for some ulterior motive such as to make things difficult for a government agency .
19 The Social Security Advisory Committee put it more tersely : ’ Cases which have no merit ought to be rejected by the present wording of regulation 72 .
20 The category of underemployment refers to an area of work that includes street selling , shoe-shining , refuse collecting for sale , prostitution and many other activities which offer no security and bring in very meagre earnings .
21 If Parliament wishes to create a specialist body to adjudicate in a given field , it makes little sense to have the decisions of that body reviewed by courts which have no such expertise .
22 Instantly , despite being blessed with a slender-limbed , curvy figure herself , and skin which bore no sign of the freckles often associated with red hair , Virginia felt unprepossessing , blotchy , boring and depressingly unfeminine in comparison .
23 Accordingly , women may abandon them and try to fit into institutional patterns which make no sense to them but which they are constantly assured are superior .
24 If " adornment " is to be identified in linguistic patterns which have no semantic utility , we can point to the alliterations clustered in the last few lines .
25 A disposal assignment may involve a considerable number of approaches to entities which have no previous association with KPMG .
26 Man 's activities can affect sea-birds in many ways : pollution of the sea , either by chemical elements dispersed in the water column which may poison their food , or surface pollution , for example , by oil spillage , can be the direct cause of death to birds which have no option but to use the sea surface .
27 Genuine cannibalism has certainly been a characteristic of human culture in many different parts of the world at many different periods of history ; but it is also true that explorers , missionaries , and respected anthropologists have all , very frequently , given credence to stories about cannibalism which have no basis in any kind of evidence .
28 For there is indeed an observable general tendency ( however deeply complicated by historical and cultural diversity ) to distinguish and to value kinds of work which meet no immediate and manifest need , of an everyday practical kind , and which are at least not necessarily taken as evidence of some metaphysical or non-human dimension of reality .
29 These price increases will not be brought in unless and until compensation schemes for individuals and rural communities which have no alternative to the use of cars are ready to be introduced .
30 The more selective bibliographies — such as those in ‘ lists for further reading ’ — are often more useful than the sort of lengthy , unclassified bibliographies which give no clue to the standing of individual items .
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