Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [been] long " in BNC.

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1 Although the story has been long and widely recounted ( John Prebble 's heartbreaking book , Culloden , brings the event to life ) , nothing compares with walking the field , seeing the small cairns marking where clansmen fell , measuring the rides of the horse-troops .
2 It seems as though the period of separation has been long enough for genetic differences to appear within populations but not so long that reproductive barriers have developed .
3 Emmanuel Levinas , for example , whose career has been long enough to have introduced Husserl to Sartre in the thirties and to have been able to reply to Derrida in the seventies , proposes a rather different critique of such models of knowledge to those which we have encountered so far .
4 Learning by rote has been long out of fashion , but I loved reciting poetry , and can remember long poems learned when I was too young to understand the words , but just loved the sound of them .
5 The embassy also suggests avoiding crowds , not arguing politics with the locals and keeping a reserve fund of cash available in case banks are closed , including the 45 dinars residents need for the normal exit stamp if your stay has been longer than six months .
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