Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And that arrogant devil Christie Goldsborough who 'd caused the trouble , so far as Frizingley was concerned at any rate , by egging Ben on to cut the wages at Braithwaite 's mill .
2 Just as most large organizations and systems have found important uses for the computer in accounting and housekeeping operations , so also large libraries , whether public , academic or special , have tended to put their acquisitions and other operations on to computer , and considerable experiment has been going on with the applications of computerization to information retrieval .
3 People who dangle wires or ropes on to power lines to see what happens are playing with fire . ’
4 She fried the chicken in some butter , put the vegetables on to boil , remembering the salt at the last minute , and was debating how to make a cheese sauce that bore some resemblance to those she had eaten in the past , when he walked in .
5 When we were all off-duty of an evening , Rosemary and I would get ourselves done up in our civvies ( strictly forbidden ) , and with our greatcoats and hats on to fool the eagle eye of the duty NCO in the Waaf Picquet Post , totter down the drive to await the arrival of the boys in the car .
6 Because of the limited visibility at the top of the hill a new access directly from Drum Brae Park on to Drum Brae could not be recommended .
7 We were not to see the famous ‘ stoop ’ dive on to prey after all .
8 It relies on the preferential absorption on to clay minerals of an ultra-violet sensitive dye .
9 I agreed , and next day they sent a photographer along to West London Stadium and I was pictured wearing my ‘ Pure Talent ’ tee-shirt with ‘ No Additives ’ inscribed on the back .
10 An experienced headhunter could narrow the field down to short-list stage much more quickly and cost-effectively , Tagg argued .
11 And the perfect pastime guaranteed to cut Ben down to size .
12 To run cable down to light switches or to wall lights , it will usually be necessary to ‘ chase ’ slots in solid walls , though if you are rewiring a house which was originally wired in metal conduit , you may be able to use the existing conduit buried in the plaster leading to light switches to feed the cable down .
13 So the Wife of Bath and the Prioress together challenge the social norms of women 's roles ; the shifting surfaces of the Pardoner 's blatant hypocrisy tease the reader into an uncomfortable awareness of the unfathomable nature of human motivation for the onlooker ; the Nun 's priest 's juxtaposition of intellectual solemnity with quick-witted pragmatism and his stress on the saving grace of social charity cuts self-importance down to size .
14 McBride can put his luck down to criticism from scribes down south earlier in the season , rather than bad selection policy .
15 Coloured shells with white lips ( fig.11 ) and coloured enclaves are often found in habitats where mussels predominate , but coloured dog-whelks can be found in the total absence of the mussels-for instance , around Minehead in West Somerset ( plate 2 ) Moore 's transfers the other way round , white shells on to mussel shores , did not induce any colour change .
16 At the sideboard he crashed two covers on to silver dishes .
17 Tap Right with the Scroll Lock ON to scroll right 1/3 Of a window at a time
18 Tap Left with the Scroll Lock ON to scroll left 1/3 Of a window at a time
19 The final whistle came with Rayners Lane holding on to win by three goals to nil .
20 It was completely dark and she dared not even put the light on to look at her watch .
21 They had developed a method of inserting memories into the brains of amnesiacs , but first those memories had to be recorded with full sensory data on to microchip , and then projected by laser into the brain .
22 To wit , the kind of speed on to man and ball and to the breakdown which would in itself render it a great deal more difficult for the All Blacks to make the Lions ' pack look heavy-footed to the point of statuesque .
23 There are plans to put this programme on to videotape , so it can be shown to customers locally without the need for lengthy and expensive trips to the UK .
24 There 's some artists out there who do it because they have to get it off their chest and get their songs on to tape .
25 If your dry garden borders on to paving , many of these plants will spill over and even colonise the cracks , softening up hard lines and giving a mellow feel .
26 Although several European countries have legal controls on such activities , in the U.K. the law has not been extended in this way , though there may be legal remedies in some cases for those who believe they have been harmed by the use to which the surreptitiously collected information has been put : if , for example , unauthorised entry on to property has occurred , or if there has been breach of confidence or copyright , or if conspiracy to commit a crime , civil wrong , public mischief or some outrageously immoral act can be proved .
27 Or for after dinner chocolates , flavour melted chocolate with a little liqueur or flavouring essences , drop blobs on to paper and leave to set .
28 Doctor Who , especially nowadays , is the type of programme they put fairly new Designers on to test their abilities .
29 Evan points to a hoist that 's slowly lowering the band 's gear down to ground level : ‘ When we played here last year , we were riding up and down in that thing .
30 Note taper down to mouth
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