Example sentences of "[noun] [vb infin] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Villagers still talk of ‘ death rays ’ that made birds fall out of the sky and car engines stop when the beams were switched on .
2 The problem is that the Government will let opted-out units opt out of training and education .
3 So how can a fucking car fall out of the fucking sky , Rohmer ?
4 Maura felt the tension drain out of her .
5 Let the tension flow out of your body .
6 Relax your body and let your breathing become easier as you feel the tension flow out of you .
7 Of course , he thought , as he levered the hatch door open slowly , letting more soft light spill out from underneath , he 'd have to cover his tracks in the morning ; damn silly to have left the cupboard back there open , and the light on in the dome .
8 What did these gangs go out to Perton for , what was that all about ?
9 ‘ I would n't let Miss Hari go out by herself . ’
10 And that was when she hit a wet patch on the tarmac and felt the car go out of control .
11 The funnel described in this chapter makes the animals come out of the soil or leaves so that you can see what they look like and find out how many there are .
12 At the other end of the corridor Owen saw Ramses come out of a door .
13 ‘ God , though , it 's tempting , ’ William says , leaning back and letting Andy crane out over the pyramid of glasses again .
14 We would n't look very smart if we had simply given up and allowed some precious Galapagos species to become extinct , by letting the introduced animals get out of control . ’
15 It 's an accident on the M Six , and er now if you look there in a moment you 'll see a car come out of control up through there .
16 Culley went back to the street , passed the front of the house , then turned and retraced his steps in time to see the car pull out of the cul-de-sac and move away from him .
17 He brought her into focus , letting the boat drift out of mind .
18 And did the lads turn out to be very nice ?
19 Softly , gently , cruelly , he teased her , his lips alighting for a moment , then moving away again , arousing her hunger , making her blood cry out for him .
20 A low rumble of thunder made her skin break out in a fine rash of goosepimples , and Julius glanced at her sharply as he noticed them .
21 Why do n't yer piss orf out of our street ?
22 Blindly she flew from the suite , rushed to her room and slammed shut her door and let the sobs tear out of her heart .
23 ‘ Or did the bottom drop out of advertising ? ’
24 Once or twice I saw Greta go out with her painting things .
25 For myself , I was hooked by John 's radical zeal to see the gospel go out to all .
26 . Daryl was utterly taken about , what in the wide world did Sally mean , she watched the girl go out of the room and sat down on the form completely bewildered .
27 Will Primavera stand out in front of such a cut-out ?
28 Suddenly she felt angry with herself for having let her emotions get out of control .
29 The lady who was having operation done and wanted to see a remo er er er a wardrobe come out through a window was standing down there just on the edge of the road to watch this miraculous occurrence .
30 Did his wife or anyone actually see Gray start out in his car ? ’
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