Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [v-ing] up " in BNC.

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1 But nationalist styles were springing up everywhere .
2 Openings for quarrels were bubbling up in several places in the 1730s .
3 ‘ Loads of kids were coming up to us and complaining that their dads were getting on their backs about their garages being full of paper .
4 When us kids were growing up now so Well there was myself and my oth younger sister ne the one next to me .
5 All the computers were cracking up on the factory floor this morning . ’
6 Colombo radio reported on Oct. 17 that the LTTE had recently been admitting , at public meetings in its remaining Jaffna stronghold , that the organization was disintegrating , foreign funds were drying up after the recent military reverses , and Tamil youths were refusing to join its guerrillas .
7 German flares were lighting up the sky behind me as I hurried along the road , keeping close to the houses and in their shadows as much as possible .
8 Away to the left across the fields , and probably in the area of No. 3 Commando , flares were going up , followed by very rapid rifle and machine gun fire .
9 On the set , the legendary feuds between Barbra Streisand and Walter Matthau were hotting up .
10 Shops were coming up for sale all over the precinct .
11 The year 1973 came close to repeating the triumphs of 1972 but , as usual in FI , other cars were catching up with the Lotus , though not in qualifying , for 1973 was the year in which Ronnie Peterson notched an astonishing nine pole positions and a place on the front row in twelve of the season 's fifteen races , as against one and five for Emerson , Peterson finishing a mere three points behind Fittipaldi .
12 I had trouble even pushing the bike up , but cars were going up ( and down ! ) to the houses .
13 The other Frenchmen were retreating up the slope , unwilling to give battle to the greater number of black-uniformed Hussars .
14 Pay-per-view channels were buying up exclusive rights to the really big bouts and this left the regular channels desperate to find some way of increasing the number of championship fights .
15 To find out what her research subjects were getting up to , this scientist took the direct approach .
16 All eyes were looking up at the pit lane screens as every lap , every move , was relayed on to the tube
17 All the while he was burbling inanities , his eyes were roving up and down her body .
18 In Argyll the Dalriadic Scots were building up their strength .
19 The shadows on the wall from his light were jumping up and down as his hand shook .
20 one thing 's for sure the appointment of John Gorman is a popular one on the terraces … he 's given the fans what they crave for … and that 's loyalty … from first thing this morning supporters were rolling up at the County Ground to have their say
21 Millie 's lids were blinking , and her lips were licking up the salt tears as she brought out , ‘ I …
22 Other old shipmates like Phil Andrews , Eddie Clarke and Ron Giles were still crewing but others like Des Ferret , Vic Roberts and Bob Wellock were disappearing up the promotion ladder .
23 Carl and his brothers were playing up around Jackson , Tennessee , and we called it honky-tonk music .
24 ‘ Švestkový koláč na plech , ’ he stated , and she would swear that as his eyes rested on her laughing mouth , that the corners of his mouth were picking up too .
25 British Rail 's diesel stock was coming up for replacement and we needed to decide whether to reinvest in diesel equipment or to invest in electrification .
26 Buckinghamshire 's total book stock was going up by about forty thousand volumes a year , last year it grew just eight thousand .
27 Marie was wading up to the path through waist-high reeds : ‘ Look at the state of my clothes ! ’
28 By 1921 indeed frustration with coalition was building up such a head of steam as seriously to threaten its future .
29 Investment was drying up , businesses were collapsing , men were laid off work and wages were cut .
30 McCarthy 's bid to become the Democratic nominee for president was getting up steam , and his following included the liberal Hollywood establishment , among them Paul Newman , Joanne Woodward , Robert Redford and Warren Beatty .
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