Example sentences of "[noun] [is] given the " in BNC.

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1 This would be the case where an R&D programme and its objective are clearly defined and each of the parties is given the opportunity of exploiting any of the results that are of interest to it , or where the results are used solely for the purposes of further research .
2 The C. and A. G. is given the responsibility for auditing all appropriation accounts by the 1921 Act .
3 By sticking to the rules of keeping rhythm , balance and impulsions and allowing the fences to come to you , the horse is given the chance to jump athletically and can alter his stride if necessary .
4 A grinning sansculotte , identifiable by his bare rump , fiddles whilst churches burn and nuns are hanged : the savage scene is given the ironical title of ‘ The Zenith of French Glory : the Pinnacle of Liberty ’ ( 12 February 1793 ) .
5 The Secretariat of the Central Committee is given the teeth to do what it is meant to do : appoint , control access to decision-makers and supervise the policy which the Politburo formulates .
6 The only significance is that the child is given the name Jesus , which means ‘ God is salvation ’ .
7 The most effective lessons are those where the child is given the opportunity , either as an individual or as a member of a small group , to explore and to create something original .
8 In addition to all this , the SIB is given the power to issue Codes of Practice which would define the general principle referred to earlier .
9 At the same time , nature is given the lifeless and blighted quality of man 's world : " ragged cabbages " and " dishevelled chrysanthemums " are odd collocations because ragged normally applies to clothes , and dishevelled to hair .
10 These experiments generally show that there is discrimination against black people in the sense that the black actor is not given the job , or is told that it is filled , while the similarly qualified white actor is given the job .
11 If the plan gets the go-ahead it will be submitted to the Department for Education and if approval is given the school could begin soon after that decision .
12 Our comprehensive range of services has been developed to make sure that your business is given the best possible start .
13 A law which regulates the ability of a local authority to display venereal disease posters in public places is given the same weighting as a law which expands the welfare state substantially through the provision of free school education or establishes a free health service .
14 For example , whenever fuller explanations are needed , and to avoid over-simplification , there are longer , four-page units ( see below ) which ensure each point is given the attention it needs .
15 As a trivial example , one student may have scored five out of ten on his arithmetic test by answering the five additions correctly and the five subtractions incorrectly while his/her friend is given the same score for precisely the converse performance !
16 A NEWTOWNABBEY beauty spot would be completely changed if a £6m council development is given the green light , a public inquiry heard yesterday .
17 ( c ) A priced schedule of the builder 's standard description of work is forwarded to the subcontractor with the option that the rates are fixed by the builder and the subcontractor has no opportunity to negotiate , or the sub-contractor is given the opportunity to quote a percentage surcharge or discount off the complete schedule or individual rates .
18 By democratic regimes we mean those in which from time to time the people is given the illusion of being sovereign , while true effective sovereignty lies in other , perhaps irresponsible and secret , forces …
19 Entropy is given the symbol S.
20 Although all interested parties must have a say , surely it is time that the marine environment is given the recognition and protection it deserves .
21 Fanny is given the chance to improve her financial life by getting married to Henry Crawford .
22 When a manager is given the authority to do something , it is automatically presupposed that he has the ability to do it , the facilities that he needs and that the desired results will be achieved .
23 It means that God is given the honour and glory , not us .
24 The student is given the opportunity either of broadening his areas of study so that he learns some of the principles and methods of several disciplines or of concentrating on the narrower range in order to become a specialist after suitable experience , training or further study .
25 A new student is given the traditional uniform that all practitioners wear , called a ‘ tobok ’ .
26 The student is given the opportunity for self-appraisal and realistic goal setting .
27 Both during and after work experience the student is given the opportunity to identify the contribution of work experience to his/her personal and social development and to relate the experience to future plans for work , education or training .
28 Both during and after work experience the student is given the opportunity to express his/her feelings and reactions to the community involvement .
29 The Secretary of State is given the authority to sanction road and highway authorities ' schemes , which may not always fall within the regulations .
30 So Portia Forbes is given the task of drawing his fire . ’
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