Example sentences of "[noun] [is] not part " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sniffing at my mail is not part of your duties , ’ he snapped crossly , then left the office .
2 That the accounts department is not part of B S 5750 except in its relationship with er , researchers .
3 But even if that were the case , we could still maintain that research is not part of what we understand higher education to be .
4 Indeed , I shall argue that while research is not part of the idea of higher education , it is presupposed by higher education .
5 Now although such a rule is not part of my physical or material world , its existence constrains my action just as effectively as they do ; we can call this a constraint of the world of ideas .
6 Thus , despite the striking familial association between gluten sensitivity and ulcerative colitis , it is clear from this study that the gluten driven proctitis is not part of a continuum of inflammatory change which culminates in some individuals in full blown ulcerative colitis .
7 Francis Lee : ready to help Manchester City — but current chairman Swales is not part of the equation .
8 For Wittgenstein , on the other hand , the condition is not part of what one means .
9 The quotation from Isaiah is not part of the Jewish scriptures normally associated with the expectation of the Messiah .
10 This much-handled question is not part of the high life of philosophy .
11 Ambitious New Yorkers , please note : Northern Ireland is not part of New York city , nor yet of the United States , nor even of South Africa .
12 She quoted an education lecturer , " if Risinghill were a country place , the natural conditions of rural life would throw the teacher into the community , but in London social conditions do not do this ; unless you see it as a need , you would go along quite happily thinking the community is not part of your job " ( Berg 1968:273 ) .
13 Not only is the government reappraising all its election promises in the light of the national deficit , but also the science minister 's post is not part of the powerful 13-member inner cabinet .
14 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
15 Nevertheless , even though having angles equal to two right angles is not part of a triangle 's essence , it is because it is a three-sided plane figure that it has them .
16 This so-called custom is not part of our native tradition or heritage .
17 If , however , the landlord has absolute discretion to grant consent to the tenant 's exercise of a right , the reimbursement of the landlord 's costs is not part of the consideration for the landlord 's supply under the lease or licence to the tenant .
18 On such a view , in so far as pragmatics is concerned with context , it can be claimed that by definition pragmatics is not part of competence , and thus not within the scope of grammatical descriptions .
19 Witney is n't part of your parish . ’
20 The water is not part of the Canal ; the model was tested in an adjacent field where the topography was convenient .
21 The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , which is the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many people are members of both .
22 Bitterness is n't part of my philosophy ; I 've always said if you let bitterness overwhelm you , you let it distract you from your path , I 've got no time for it ; it cramps your style .
23 The De Havilland decision demonstrates in stark form the fact that EC merger control is not part of the Community 's industrial policy , but is competition driven .
24 Second , it is submitted for the plaintiffs that such action is not in relation to the grant or refusal of a further advance because the making of the valuation is not part of the administration or managerial process leading to the grant or refusal but is only a condition precedent to the actual process of making a grant .
25 Robert Romanyshyn 's central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world or of an inner subjectivity separate from that world but exists as a form of mediation between the two .
26 Intimidation is not part of my game .
27 What is noteworthy is that this legislation is not part of the set of legislation that is explicitly and exclusively concerned with censorship .
28 But the moon 's gravity is n't part of the earth , the moon 's gravity is with over here .
29 Admittedly , explaining their achievements is not part of Althusser 's project , and he might therefore be excused for failing to indicate the specific historical conjuncture from which Marxism arose .
30 Although , as we have said , applicability of a property is not part of our descriptive apparatus as such , in Chapter 3 we shall point out that there is an inevitable consequence of the occurrence of assignment of qualification , namely that the qualifying property is taken to be valid for the entity qualified , by contrast with the case where qualification occurs alone .
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