Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a picturesque favourite of visiting party leaders : those present remember fondly Sir David Steel 's manful attempt to smile over a plateful of cockles during the 1987 election .
2 Working with Cadillac engineers , Kettering created the starter motor , using the flywheel to turn over the engine .
3 ‘ Whereas I would play twice over a weekend , it now takes me until Tuesday to get over a match . ’
4 Some wonder why the bank stuck with Mr Parretti , even though his attempt to take over a French cinema chain in June 1990 was blocked on the grounds that it would ‘ threaten public order ’ .
5 The flimsy Geneva settlement , engineered by Eden in 1954 to enable the French to withdraw from Indo-China , was breaking down as Ho Chi Minh had begun his attempt to take over the South with backing of Communist China .
6 His active opposition to the Nazis , the leading part that he played in the Kirchenkampf , the struggle against the Nazi attempt to take over the German Evangelical Church , and his refusal to take the oath of loyalty to Hitler , led to his dismissal from Bonn in 1935 .
7 On April 17 , disregarding Nguza 's order that it should refrain from any attempt to take over the running of the country , the conference adopted sovereign status , and on April 21 the Most Rev. Monsengwo Pasinya was confirmed as chairman of the conference [ see p. 38662 for his election in December 1991 ] .
8 The Secretary of State threatened the recalcitrant authorities that unless they met specific targets he would use his power under the Act to appoint an agent to take over the sale of a council 's houses .
9 Barclaycard staff have been meeting to decide what action to take over the news that the firm is cutting four hundred jobs .
10 Only Phil Mickelson appears to have the talent to take over the mantle vacated by Bob Charles as the world 's best left-handed golfer .
11 Furthermore Mr himself has said to me on more than one occasion that given the history of the situation it 's unlikely that we would get anybody of sane mind to take over the running of the two centres .
12 Even if the French do not succeed in their present bid to take over the last of the great American GA manufacturers , Piper , it 's hard to see what there is to stop them in their quest .
13 For conservatives , this policy is part of a trend to encourage private initiatives and voluntary organizations to take over the traditional government role in the health services ( SCF , op. cit . ) .
14 Last week the President instructed the Department of Commerce to seek firm proposals from private industry to take over the government 's remote-sensing satellites .
15 Mullins , who moved to the North-East to take over the kennels of the late Tom Whitfield in November after working as head lad for his mother , Linda Mullins , in Essex , gets the award after providing 15 winners from 61 runners , an average of 26.6pc .
16 At one point he even went as far as to tell a group of American diplomats that he expected the United States to take over the " primary role " which the British had hitherto held in the Middle East .
17 Officials of the club and the Legion branch were present at a special ceremony to hand over a certificate of appreciation for their kindness .
18 The Dalek ship is programmed to return to Kembel in spite of all their efforts to divert it , and it falls to Steven to hand over the fake core to the Daleks once the Doctor and Sara are aboard the TARDIS .
19 At that point , the court ordered Koons to hand over the fourth sculpture , which he had kept for himself .
20 The broad collaboration with the powers-that-were explains the readiness to skip over a full coming to account with the past .
21 Then it was back down to ground level to celebrate over a bottle of champagne with Zoe 's mum , Pat , and husband Joe .
22 Jews or Zionists are seen as prime movers in a plot to take over the world , by destroying nations and manipulating the minds of ordinary people .
23 Can you really imagine anyone hatching a devious plot to take over the school at his age ? ’
24 President Reagan and his advisers want to loosen the government 's hold on satellites ; hence the instructions to McElroy to solicit tenders from companies to take over the craft that his organisation now operates .
25 On one hand , therefore , McElroy is preparing for private companies to take over the reigns of the weather craft ; on the other , he is inviting other countries to become involved in what could be a link only between governments .
26 New rules to allow private companies to take over the running of key public sector construction projects such as the the Channel Tunnel high-speed rail link , London rail links and major bridge and road projects .
27 President Kravchuk said he would resist any attempts by Russia to take over the Black Sea fleet or to change the status of Crimea .
28 PARENTS at a small church primary in Dunblane yesterday voted to become the first in Scotland to take over the running of their school .
29 Peasants had shown themselves fully capable of organizing resistance around their traditional village institutions , and their determination to take over the nobility 's land was their own .
30 Cato 's obdurate hostility and determination to take over the Auvergnat diocese , however , led to a hardening of lines , and Cautinus began to persecute Cato and his followers .
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