Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It is also worth reiterating that traditional rape laws frequently give rise to light sentences for lesser offences .
2 There are other reasons to support initiatives for using the computer as a means of delivering subject-specific information .
3 Next , the draft would make it cheaper for disgruntled shareholders to sue directors for mismanagement .
4 Sir David Attenborough has been visiting a nature reserve to thank industrialists for helping to save a precious piece of the environment.He joined business sponsors who swopped their pinstripes for green wellies for the day .
5 He used the opportunity to issue charters for places across the whole duchy , he rave judgements and established lasting friendships with one or two important lords from which he was later to reap benefits .
6 It is often the proper job of authorities to issue directives for this purpose .
7 The Socialist Government might have survived the crisis had it not been for the internal rift within the Labour Party that was brought about by the Cabinet 's decision to impose charges for medical prescriptions to curb excessive waste in the newly established National Health Service .
8 Education , training and skills development is another way in which the government attempts to meet demands for labour .
9 Regan makes no attempts to provide answers for the complex and difficult questions which would confront us .
10 In response to the failure of a number of attempts to provide foundations for certain knowledge of empirical facts , many epistemologists have tried to defend various forms of fallibilism .
11 From a wider perspective , the restless tides that govern world trade and industry make plant closures as well as new plant openings inevitable and healthy , and only the neanderthals that believe that it is management 's function to provide jobs for life , and the workers ' function to make management 's life as hard as possible would argue otherwise .
12 The author went on to recommend this function should be added to the management agenda and a lead officer given responsibility to establish mechanisms for developing it .
13 DELIGHT , elation and relief greeted the news of the government 's decision to compensate investors for the bulk of the losses they had suffered in the collapse of Barlow Clowes .
14 Pre-dating the National Health Service by over thirty years , in 1916 the Venereal Disease Regulations were passed instructing all local health authorities to provide clinics for the diagnosis and treatment of the venereal diseases .
15 Will the Minister use his powers to enable local authorities to provide houses for homeless people , whether through local authorities or housing associations , jobs for redundant construction workers , and new business contracts for the building companies which are going bankrupt ?
16 It permitted , but did not , as Wilson had intended , require local authorities to provide meals for needy schoolchildren .
17 The North Side Civic Development Council placed the latter firmly on its agenda through its attempts to establish incubators for small businesses and local labour contracts in larger projects , with limited success .
18 The Republicans believed in keeping government expenditure as low as possible , and in cutting taxes to provide incentives for investment .
19 They have also developed the use of ‘ self inspection ’ — each group responsible for inspecting its own work — and giving responsibility to work groups for minor routine maintenance such as changing tips of welding guns and making minor adjustments .
20 The ability of the LTTE to find volunteers for suicide missions added to the problem of protecting prominent political figures .
21 We are looking for state-backed policies to provide funds for those areas of production where potential exists for a swift expansion of exports .
22 In September 1912 the Leeds and District FA expressed concern at the takeover of practice pitches by Rugby Union clubs , and urged senior soccer clubs to provide grounds for junior players .
23 Most of the colleges were originally established by religious foundations to train teachers for schools , but they now offer a wide variety of other courses , mainly at degree level .
24 Pollards are trees axed 6′–15′ above ground level to provide poles for fuel etc. and to deny cattle , horses , sheep or pigs that new growth from the severed trunks .
25 The report added that it had cost Iran between $30,000,000 and $40,000,000 to provide services for the refugees .
26 THE US is preparing for a showdown with other North and South American countries over plans to launch satellites for beaming TV to roof-top aerials .
27 Yet a number of head teachers believe that reluctance on the part of some LEAs at present to prosecute parents for the poor school attendance of their children is contributing significantly to high levels of truancy .
28 Sometimes it is worth thinking about getting a well known person in the field to write features for you or at least to suggest his or her name to the publication .
29 The directive requires member states to establish systems for the national regulation of releases .
30 MCI Communications Corp reports that the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago awarded it a 10-year multi-million dollar contract to provide circuits for the new FedNet communications system will combine the networks of 12 Federal Reserve district banks and three new centres into one network ; FedNet will offer the banks high speed data services and is responsible for circuit installation and maintenance .
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