Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is also worth reiterating that traditional rape laws frequently give rise to light sentences for lesser offences .
2 The ease of use and flexibility of GIS allow the user to perform operations on map data that were previously impossible on a large scale .
3 Customs can make a direction to treat persons as a ‘ single taxable person ’ for VAT registration purposes if Customs ( not necessarily any other person ) are satisfied that :
4 The nature of access may merely involve regular authorised visits by warships or it may include the permission to conduct repairs in port , without the use of onshore installations , and to load on fuel and supplies .
5 The implementation of the UKCC 's Project 2000 educational reforms includes plans to promote opportunities in nursing by conversion to first-level registration .
6 A motion went before the police conference saying that if Mr Clarke persisted in his plans to treat police like those in other professions they must press for officers to be treated as employees ‘ with all the trade union rights associated with such a change in status . ’
7 We had all gathered for Hamish and Tone 's traditional Ne'erday partyette ; a necessarily quietish affair during which people exchanged tales of drunkenness , broken resolutions and recipes for hangover cures , as well as taking advantage of the opportunity to compare notes regarding blank spots in the memories of any of the assembled penitents .
8 These ‘ five techniques ’ ( requiring prisoners to wear hoods over their heads unless they were separated from other inmates or being interrogated , having them stand spreadeagled against a wall for up to 43 hours , depriving them of sleep , subjecting them to electronic noise and beating them ) were subsequently condemned as ‘ torture ’ by the European Rights Commission ( Hewitt , 1982:157–8 ) .
9 With the impact of Zhelev 's attack still reverberating , the 21-member UDF coalition held a national conference in Sofia on Sept. 18-20 and agreed to establish working groups to conduct talks with the President and the MRF .
10 In contrast , the media enjoyed the opportunity to report cases of mature women being charged with indecent offences against under-age boys .
11 A NEW technique to enable men with irreversible vasectomies to become fathers has been developed by the Surgical Advisory Service , a private London infertility clinic .
12 Partnership It should rival the best of European cities and should be famously celebrated in Britain as an example of what can be achieved when resources and the expertise to implement solutions to environmental problems are combined with civic will . ’
13 The sediments are well-preserved , enabling researchers to compare levels of water pollution with particular phases of the growth and decline of the City of London since Roman times , and in particular with pollution levels in the past 300 years .
14 At the same time , however , anyone attending the play after it opened at London 's Court Theatre in 1906 could hardly fail to learn a fair amount about the young discipline of bacteriology and about attempts to treat illnesses by immunotherapy .
15 Thus structures facilitate ‘ mutualist ’ struggle in which workers aim to establish alternative and independent markets for production and distribution , ‘ economistic ’ struggle to increase job security within extant relations of production , and ‘ statist ’ struggle to promote interests through enlisting the aid of the state principally through legislative enactment .
16 It is a struggle to paint grasses in a true watercolour technique and the purist may well react against the use of white and acrylic here , but I have found a release from the restrictions of technique through this method and comfort myself with the knowledge that white has been in common use by artists throughout the history of watercolour painting .
17 Clearly they failed to bring about disarmament , though they may have had a contributory effect on the decision to suspend tests in 1958 and later on the partial test ban treaty .
18 She decides to experiment and asks the computer to compare photographs of thousands of hands , with surprising — and frightening — results .
19 The space agencies of the United States , Russia , Europe , Japan , China and Brazil have agreed to a joint programme which will use both existing and new satellites to monitor changes in the global environment .
20 This holiday club , exclusive to HCIMA members , provides the opportunity to enjoy holidays under similar terms to the special rates available to staff working for airlines and travel agencies .
21 Today 's test case follows attempts to evict travellers from land at Hollow Fosse near Cirencester .
22 Moreover , ever since the failure of attempts to include restrictions on retaliation or reprisals in the Brussels Code of 1874 , there has been no explicit prohibition of reprisals in the codes of the laws of war .
23 It took ScottishPower 35 minutes to restore supplies in part .
24 Norris made a much greater impact than Keegan had done earlier , and his speech was followed by an appeal by Cardinal Frings for a concerted effort on the Church 's part to support projects in relief of poverty .
25 Initial training was always provided on a one-to-one basis because workers were recruited at different times to perform tasks of varying types .
26 Lord Mayor , the Conservative Group welcomes this opportunity to debate reforms in the National Health Service .
27 She had knitted woollen squares to raise money to sink wells in India ( and had knitted them very badly too ) .
28 The Government has shied away from forcing unions to discipline members who take part in unofficial action , and has put proposals to curb strikes in essential services on the back burner .
29 The common law courts have through three centuries consistently resisted all attempts to appeal decisions of the visitor .
30 It was not unusual in more buoyant times to see dishes like this on menus at £5-plus .
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