Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to Elizabeth that it took people half an hour to greet each other each day .
2 Further , the decision to implement criminal law legislation did not originate with the state in the narrow sense at all , but with purity and feminist groups who were increasingly taking the lead in sexual politics .
3 Athena is part of the Pentos Group which also owns Ryman and the Dillons bookshop chain and it has a substantial organisation which goes into play to support new franchisees .
4 Some builders on what began as prestigious estates in Britain had to compromise with the arrival of the recession , and alter their plans to include cheaper housing .
5 The Non-Aligned also approved ‘ the efforts being made for the early establishment of a zone of peace , freedom and neutrality in the region ’ and called on all states to support these efforts .
6 This initiative was designed to stimulate local authorities to mount full-time programmes which would be funded from central funds — to the extent of £400,000 per project — provided that they met certain centrally determined criteria relating to equal opportunities , progression , the specification of objectives , the balance between general , technical and vocational elements of programmes , planned work experience , and assessment .
7 Casting grave doubt on the future of any in-house repository at IBM Corp , the company has extended its existing licence for Hewlett-Packard Co 's SoftBench Framework to include non-Unix IBM systems such as OS/2 — the original licence for the software engineering tools environment covered IBM 's AIX-based development offerings only .
8 It was also possible for the user to input these characters , by re-programming the keyboard .
9 In villages , educational workers would drag women out of their houses to attend mass literacy classes , in others the cadres of the party kidnapped the wife of the mullah on the grounds that , wherever she went , other women would follow .
10 On Dec. 20 , after talks in Delhi with the central government , all the Cabinet ministers resigned to allow Abdullah to conduct another Cabinet reshuffle .
11 This can affect people 's willingness to report certain crimes , which has contributed to recent increases in the official statistics for racial attacks , domestic violence , and child abuse .
12 Shadow Education Secretary Ann Taylor said that instead of asking the Treasury for more money to restore crumbling schools , Mr Patten ‘ is actually volunteering to cut standards and to cram ever larger classes into smaller rooms ’ .
13 Prominent individuals , including Gen. ( retd ) Olusegun Obasanjo and Chief Anthony Enahoro , announced plans to promote new moves towards full multiparty democracy .
14 PLANS to promote environmental tourism and encourage birdwatching in Mid-Wales have been put forward by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the Development Board for Rural Wales .
15 PLANS to promote environmental tourism and encourage birdwatching in Mid-Wales have been put forward by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the Development Board for Rural Wales .
16 A BACK injury aggravated by polo forced the Prince of Wales to pull out of the Garter ceremony today and cancel plans to attend Royal Ascot .
17 The Prince of Wales also cancelled plans to attend Royal Ascot to take the opportunity to recover from the back injury he aggravated at polo on Sunday .
18 Organizations that have horizontal and adaptive structures are able to meet the changes in market need more readily than those with cumbersome hierarchical structures , and create multifunctional development groups to plan new product developments .
19 She or he would have to spend a year in general practice to have the opportunity to acquire similar skills .
20 The lengthy period which most party leaders have already spent in Parliament before gaining office certainly gives them time and opportunity to acquire suitable skills .
21 Woman 's inability to be content with either living in the orbit of the male ‘ I ’ or repressing her desire into ‘ hystery ’ is a result of the fact that male desire is an essentially narcissistic ‘ Pygmalion urge ’ to invent woman in its own image , while permitting the male subject the freedom to enjoy multiple reflections .
22 The pupils probed the boundaries of accepted behaviour , trading the acceptance of a physical rebuke for the freedom to enjoy verbal skirmishing of a kind that would be generally unacceptable in school .
23 This was not found to be the case , although the number of people in each profession was far too small for this finding to carry much weight .
24 What will happen to the most vulnerable , who can not even complain because they can not communicate — even though they pay their taxes to support these services ?
25 In our experience , treatment of the data as a conventional heavy-atom derivative problem , combined with the use of a maximum-likelihood algorithm to estimate heavy-atom parameters , gave somewhat better maps than the algebraic formalism .
26 C&A has applied to Darlington Borough Council for permission to erect three store signs on the Cornmill Centre .
27 At first sight the paradox that liberalism requires not only freedom of contract but also freedom to breach any contract is quickly resolved .
28 Baroness Cumberlege , a junior health minister , has called on health authorities to promote equal opportunities and provide appropriate services for black and ethnic minority communities .
29 This willingness to forgive past wrongs is one of the few signs of hope for this benighted province ; but it is not enough to bring peace .
30 Pete Goss took a group up to the foredeck to demonstrate a spinnaker hoist , four were dispatched to the leeward rail to induce some heel and to those in the cockpit Nick commanded : ‘ Well , do n't just sit there , get tying knots . ’
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