Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 However , there have been rather few cases which have addressed at all directly the question of the legality of the use of nuclear weapons , and even fewer judgments touching on this .
2 The excited crowds thronging their decks , and pressing over each other 's shoulders to see the glorious city slide by , always remind me of pilgrims come to a shrine , or perhaps merchants bringing to this incomparable market-place furs , spices and slaves from the east .
3 However , the proportion of cases deriving from this estimate of misplaced anal cancers actually decreased during 1943–77 .
4 The literature relating to this branch of anthropology is immense ; some of it is very sophisticated in form , even mathematical .
5 No counsel appearing on this appeal has attempted to defend those findings of fact or suggest that the reasons are in any way adequate .
6 There were eighty-eight photos or illustrations relating to this court case and the aftermath , virtually equalling the number found for all the other rape cases in the year .
7 Queries relating to this matter should be addressed to the Librarian .
8 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries relating to this matter .
9 It is perhaps interesting that some of them , because of the volume of work , had had difficulty keeping to this , and that those who had — Natalie , for example , who played a trumpet in a band — found some tension between their course work and the time they wanted to devote to their hobby .
10 The inspector , however , found that any bonuses deriving from this design ‘ have been lost and also much of the experience and skill of the ‘ old Feltham ’ which coped well with a difficult borstal population' .
11 The new organizations catering for this were to be economically more efficient and culturally more bland than the popular movements of the first half of the century .
12 The way in which the 80 bp fragment stimulates transcription suggests that the proteins binding to this fragment work like activators ( see 23 ) .
13 Parties contributing to this research programme will include BGS , the Geological Survey of Ireland and Riofinex North Ltd ( Britain and Ireland ) , the Departamento de Geoquimica , Petrología y Prospección Geológica and the Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España ( Spain ) , the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières ( France ) and the Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro ( Portugal ) .
14 Studying the past by reigns is certainly artificial , and risks obscuring in this case , for instance , the intimate links between the various parts of the Carolingian world , and the profound continuities linking the mid-ninth century to the immediately preceding and succeeding periods .
15 Ministers stopped the force contributing to this article , which suggests they are not as confident as they should be about its achievements .
16 This had been so ‘ from ancient times ’ ( izdrevle ) , and the peoples living within this vast area were said to be undertaking their seasonal migrations with Russian permission .
17 I have , on more than one occasion , managed to entice a badger to within a few feet , simply by scratching my head , the inquisitive animals searching for this new ‘ badger ’ grooming in the shadows .
18 Proteins acting in this way are called ‘ enzymes ’ ; their method of working is described on p. 61 .
19 Some authors writing in this vein have spoken of a fundamental change in international politics resulting from the rise of these ‘ new forces in world politics ’ .
20 Is it , can we attribute this sort of thing to the erm areas of drought , the areas of flooding that are occurring in various parts of the world at the moment , and all these sorts of things , and we have branches looking into this .
21 Artisans and traders living on this privileged land escaped the tax and other service duties of townsmen .
22 More effort … needs to be put into in-service clergy training in this area — with refresher courses for those appointed to parishes where the Offices are sung regularly ’ .
23 It is intriguing to speculate , as you stand in a swamp listening to this astounding and deafening chorus , that , although much must have changed in the millions of years since the first amphibians appeared , it was , nonetheless , an amphibian voice that first sounded over the land which , until then , had heard nothing but the chirps and whirrs of insects .
24 A representative of the Corporation was present on this occasion and objected strongly , saying that cars waiting in this narrow street would cause obstruction .
25 An official closure date for the yard has not been announced , but the majority of the 500 workers are expected to have left towards the end of July , with the bulk going after this month 's commissioning ceremony .
26 Further appraisal drilling on this discovery , and exploration drilling on similar prospects , is planned in the block during 1993 .
27 According to the cohort model , however , as soon as the first part of the word has been heard , all the detectors for words beginning with this initial sound are activated .
28 Important as the price of oil may be , the uncertainty over a possible physical shortage of supply was an equally compelling concern , with IEA active in formulating contingency plans for stock sharing in this event .
29 I wish him and his friends no evil , ’ said Bishop Jon , shaking down his book-satchel and peering into it , ‘ but it 's a difficult thing to make plans for your country with them sitting there , their heads switching from this shoulder to the other , and so sleek you would think it was a cow that licked them all .
30 no , I , there 's get , a little confusion coming into this case I think , I 'm not blaming anybody , as I understand your case Mr as put to er as put to Mr , you have expressly disavowed any suggestion to this witness that there was any deliberate attempt to deceive any prospective purchaser
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