Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Grainne felt her heart thudding with such a fierceness that she could almost imagine he would hear it .
2 But he was sufficiently master of himself to resist , and pulled out of her , his heart thumping like some crazy locked up in the cell of his chest .
3 As I suggested in the previous chapter , the creation of the European Economic Area and the looming enlargement of the Community make possible the development of an EEC consisting of some twenty to twenty-five freely cooperating nations .
4 Seated on one stool by the wall of the hut , with her foot resting on another , Paige stared gloomily at Travis 's figure down by the water 's edge .
5 Gall bladder volumes were calculated from the measured parameters with the software of the ultrasound unit , assuming that the shape of the gall bladder approximated a solid with elliptical sections , the excentricity depending on that at the level of the greatest transverse section .
6 This in turn causes the protein to fold up in an incorrect way , which results in the haemoglobin molecules sticking to each other .
7 In their efforts to weld together into a coherent master plan proposals deriving from several different sources : party politics , expert advisers , and Home Office experience , Jenkins and his senior civil service adviser constituted an unusually perceptive and skilful partnership .
8 Hampshire director Terry Butler and former NHS deputy chief executive Andrew Foster led the group to assist authorities struggling with some aspects of implementation .
9 However , there have been rather few cases which have addressed at all directly the question of the legality of the use of nuclear weapons , and even fewer judgments touching on this .
10 The excited crowds thronging their decks , and pressing over each other 's shoulders to see the glorious city slide by , always remind me of pilgrims come to a shrine , or perhaps merchants bringing to this incomparable market-place furs , spices and slaves from the east .
11 However , the proportion of cases deriving from this estimate of misplaced anal cancers actually decreased during 1943–77 .
12 Problems in prescribing at the interface present a strong case for commissioning agencies that would consider drug purchasing across both care sectors .
13 These references and allusions tie the story together , we would say , or to use Gandalf 's image show one thread twisting over another .
14 NUN MUM Dying before either of one 's parents ; ceasing to fight just because one 's enemy is winning
15 This process of dealing with her impressions was dovetailed into her everyday tasks without the two activities interfering with each other .
16 The literature relating to this branch of anthropology is immense ; some of it is very sophisticated in form , even mathematical .
17 In looking at people he is looking at profit potential and the attitudes and skills relating to that .
18 The rules applying to such proceedings are the Insolvency Rules 1986 .
19 Our nearest well was some 30 minutes away so that was an hour walking in all .
20 No counsel appearing on this appeal has attempted to defend those findings of fact or suggest that the reasons are in any way adequate .
21 To calculate the joint probability of the coincidence occurring in any one minute we multiply the two separate probabilities .
22 There were eighty-eight photos or illustrations relating to this court case and the aftermath , virtually equalling the number found for all the other rape cases in the year .
23 Queries relating to this matter should be addressed to the Librarian .
24 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries relating to this matter .
25 It is perhaps interesting that some of them , because of the volume of work , had had difficulty keeping to this , and that those who had — Natalie , for example , who played a trumpet in a band — found some tension between their course work and the time they wanted to devote to their hobby .
26 From morning to dusk on all days except the Sabbath , he was out in the marketplace among the other merchants trading in any commodity with which he could make a profit , including money itself .
27 From the window ledge in the living room I saw men dressed in dark clothes and wearing dark hats knocking on all the doors in the street .
28 It does not contain and should not be treated as constituting any representation in connection with any offer or invitation , nor shall it or any part of it form the basis or be relied upon in any way in connection with any contract relating to any securities .
29 ‘ THE end of flavoured crisps ! ’ — This was one of the headlines to a story appearing in most tabloid newspapers in May .
30 That was to stop the story appearing in any publication , or on radio or on television .
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