Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here he creates the many happy and not so happy incidents that can occur on a skating rink where even a professional can ‘ miss a trick ’ .
2 Thirdly , there is a group of institutions where only a minority of students are on advanced courses .
3 In houses where only the ground floor is centrally heated , the patient may not feel comfortable in the upstairs area , so if this is where he is to be , for other practical reasons , he will need heaters in his room , or the central heating system should be extended .
4 Her end product may be a highly decorative seat where once a junk shop kitchen chair stood , but it is also functional art , and the fact that it is three-dimensional gives it an element of involvement that is often missing from a flat canvas .
5 It has a large garden and a terrace where once a week , instead of dinner , you may enjoy a barbecue .
6 A Gothic castle on the edge of the cold waters , on treeless cliffs where boats founder , where villages vanish ghostlily in shifting sands , and a reef where once a year appear the ragged bodies of all ever wrecked thereon — it begets legend .
7 Some guides are indeed very brief , suggesting visits at breakneck speed where only a few items or rooms will be seen .
8 Garland has argued that the reason why the early , biological positivists had the extraordinary ambition of arriving at a theory of the causes of crime where both the theory and the category of behaviour it was explaining had nothing to do with the criminal law , was that they were also engaged in a struggle to assert themselves as a ‘ new ’ profession of penal experts against the ‘ old ’ , legal profession .
9 The outward characteristics of religions have an inner meaning which brings them from their very separate and distinct starting-points towards an appreciation of the Mystery at the heart of religion where paradoxically the distinctions merge .
10 Details of decorative paintwork were visible on his left side although only the lower portion of the work could be seen clearly .
11 That , that 's a sensible kind of conclusion to draw and perhaps this would meet Kirsty 's point as well , because the what you might be tempted to say is look erm , in our cultures we have , we have absorbed from our cultures ways of seeing the world , bits about history and things restructure our thoughts and even when we try and do something new , I 'd say let's have a revolution everybody , put up your barricades , you know , actually we had some great fun in the sixties with that erm the , when this happens there 's a tendency to nevertheless do it in the traditional way , in other words although obviously the sixty eight revolution was about a completely different issue than the seventeen ninety eight revolution , it was very much later in history .
12 Labour was in government and had to make the best of it , but the party was with a less numerous support bloc than even the Selsdon Heath of 1970 .
13 To give an example : a leak in the roof of one 's garden shed would probably be seen as less in need of urgent action than exactly the same defect in the roof of one 's home or car .
14 The first limb ( 1 ) above , applies regardless of intention although possibly the second limb ( 2 ) above , requires some element of intention .
15 They will make fewer awkward demands than either the Catalans or the Basques .
16 The Labour party first committed itself to abolition of the House of Lords in 1910 , yet it has done less to diminish the power of hereditary peers than either the Liberals or Conservatives .
17 It attracted more retail savings than even the government , which spares no effort to tap the market .
18 While it had received some decent Mk 2 air-conditioned stock , the maximum speed of its fleet of diesel locomotives was 90/95mph ; average city-to-city speeds compared unfavourably with other parts of the InterCity network , and initially BR replied to local pleas that HSTs could not provide the answer , implying stagnation until perhaps the route was electrified and received APTs that could take the curvatures in their stride .
19 A purchaser is only likely to avoid liability for dismissals before completion if either the dismissal was for a reason unconnected with the sale ( eg gross misconduct ) or the dismissal was sufficiently far in advance of completion that it was not connected with the sale .
20 The purchaser will need to remember that a minimum delay of between 14 and 21 clear days may be needed in between exchange and completion if either an ordinary resolution or special resolution of shareholders is needed .
21 When parks are ploughed , there is a tendency for farmers to plough closer and closer to the trunk until eventually the tractor disturbs the roots and the tree suffers , or even dies .
22 The second involves the settling of cells onto a slide surface through a sucrose , saline or other solution , and has been used principally for oocytes , but may be useful for spermatocytes if only a thin suspension is available .
23 With this the two of them wall up the entrance until only a tiny slot is left open .
24 It 's a shame that the word ‘ refined ’ has acquired prissy connotations because both the shop and the stock of London 's newest lingerie outlet is refined in the best possible sense of the word .
25 Listed here are the total populations of those countries where each language has official status — this will overestimate the number of speakers because only a relatively small number of Indians , for example , will actually speak English .
26 However , and it also has a down- side because now the contractors will be able to see the information which used to be confidential that local authorities will be putting on the table , but the point is it 's a chink , it 's a way forward we need to build on this .
27 ‘ It had quite an effect because only the other day a London record store asked if it was going to be released again . ’
28 Tennyson in Morte d'Arthur again creates similar types of emotion because again the poem was prompted by the death of his best friend Arthur Hallam .
29 W. R. Hamilton was appointed Astronomer Royal for Ireland and a Professor while still an undergraduate in 1827 .
30 This morphology does not lend itself to analysis after conventional staining since only a few of the autosomes show distinguishing features in the form of secondary constrictions ( Figure 3a ) and , of the sex chromosomes , only the Y of some strains can be recognized by virtue of occasionally visible unique features ( Figure 3a ) .
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