Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] about [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dimetrodon and other dinosaurs padded about on the surface of the Coal Measures which were bent up into the great hump-like structure , or anticline , of the Pennines ( Diagram 4 ) .
2 The uncertainty brought about by further litigation in Australia would now be compounded by the fact that they no longer have any home there to which to return .
3 TOP pension fund managers are having to consider shifting funds into government gilt-edged stock as a result of the fall in the yield on UK equities brought about by changes announced in Tuesday 's Budget .
4 The great demand for executive talent brought about by the wealth of opportunities created under the post-war Pax Americana soon exhausted the supply .
5 Of course , evacuation was only a part of the enormous social disruption brought about by the war ; but subsequent recollections by evacuees , such as those collected by B. S. Johnson , pay eloquent testimony to the lasting effects — both negative and positive — it had on those who endured it , and suggest that qualitatively it was an experience that stood apart from the wider social confusion of wartime .
6 Although this could be termed denationalisation , the fact that it is not ( instead the word ‘ privatisation , is now more commonly used ) is an indication of the extent of the change in thinking brought about by Thatcherism .
7 A person who is mentally ill has a temporary ailment , a condition brought about by emotional stress .
8 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable .
9 Multiple Sclerosis is a nervous condition brought about by the destruction of blood vessels in the brain .
10 Some Sri Lankans were able to take advantage of employment opportunities brought about by increased government expenditure , but the high inflation rate of the war years cut the standard of living of many Sri Lankans .
11 This is usually due to fuel shortages brought about by excessive exports of Romania 's home-produced oil .
12 The family member tends to react to crises brought about by the addictive disease as if addiction were just like any other acute disease .
13 A long search ensued for similar formulae in terms of radicals ( that is , formulae involving unc and the coefficients of the given equation ) for the roots of equations of higher degree , but none appeared until the 16th Century when a formula for the cubic was found by the Italian Niccolo Fontana ( more commonly known as Tartaglia , " the stammerer " , because of a speech impediment brought about by injury in childhood ) .
14 The term programming is used for long term changes in the body 's structure , physiology , or metabolism brought about by environmental influences acting at critical stages of early life .
15 Both of them appear to suffer from a form of mental myopia in imagining the consequences of such proposals , and I am not here referring only to Mill-type consequences of harm brought about by unwise decisions .
16 One is the change in product mix brought about by the changing relative price of products which have had microelectronics incorporated into them .
17 Also , the extra nutritional demands brought about by pregnancy may precipitate symptoms and is another factor contributing to earlier diagnosis in women .
18 In 1995 Japan will own a tenth of all American assets , a figure brought about in part because of the weakness of the dollar against the yen , but also because the Japanese manage to save three times as much as do the Americans , and have that much more spare money to invest .
19 I live in the country , I live in the heart of the country right next to a sheep farm , and there 's no co , no message at all from the farmer that foxes are a pest it 's a misnomer put about by the hunt .
20 In fact the great universal struggle for human rights is to be seen against the background of human suffering brought about by excessive state power , its abuses and corruption .
21 It referred to the previous centrally planned economy as ‘ unimaginable ’ in the changed circumstances brought about by reform .
22 The question is not so much that of understanding the cause , but rather one of eliminating the possibility of cyclotron ion resonance brought about by AC field in a domestic or normal commercial environment where the only prevalent DC magnetic field is that provided by the Earth itself .
23 That does not mean , however , that legal challenge is unimportant as part of a broader political strategy canvassing for change , only that the indirect effects of test cases may be more significant than any direct changes in the law brought about by them .
24 It is possible that , not being aware of the limitations brought about by the Project 's staffing numbers , non-participants had expected an unreasonable level of support .
25 After a wild success Raymond died at the age of 20 from typhoid brought about by eating oysters .
26 ‘ It seems certain that even the small change in the balance of power between professionals and parents brought about by the Act have yet to be realized in a number of Authorities ’ ( Goacher et al .
27 By the 1850s the tensions brought about by social , economic and political change were already beginning to pose a serious threat not merely to the rule of the Tokugawa but to the system itself .
28 The relaxation of east-west tensions brought about by the ending of the cold war has meant that the fear of nuclear war has receded from public consciousness .
29 Other movements brought about by the pecs are shoulder flexion , which draws the arm forwards and upwards , and shoulder extension , which draws the arm down and forwards .
30 They also complain about the shortage of wood brought about by iron smelting , and ask for opinions on that matter : " … also of any opinion conceived of the great consumpcon of timber and all other kinds of wood made in divers places thereabouts by the Iron Mynes " ( they must refer to wood taken for charcoal burning for the furnaces , the iron mines at this stage would not be using large amounts of timber , but the woodlands were decimated for this reason .
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