Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 The time was now about nine-thirty , and I must have looked ghastly , for a young nurse who popped in with a set of pyjamas sized up the situation in a second and popped out again , running down the corridor calling for help .
2 Not like doing it by remote control , having Jem set up a trip-wire .
3 Occasional regattas liven up the local sailing .
4 The superintendent folded up a chapati .
5 Wickham bounded up the last flight , shirt-sleeved , jacket in hand .
6 But the ambience called up the shades of Toulouse-Lautrec and Gaugin , and of Mimi , and these began to work their fermentation in my imagination .
7 Plugged into your stereo , the lighting effect , which is multi-coloured and does pulsate , is fun in a dark room , especially when there 's a lot of bass , and might liven up a party .
8 It 's very important that when parents split up the child has the opportunity to know where both parents are living and how to keep in touch with both of them .
9 I put this on the agenda erm the phrase at the moment seems to be flagging things up and my concern is opposite Dave is the but as everybody I 'm sure is aware we 've got erm divisional A L O's based within as Crime Prevention Officers , the main concern for my particular area is Bill although based at has actually for the last three years built up a good working relationship and inspected staff from and .
10 Another statistic in the joyriding craze ; a stolen Astra driven up the M5 at 100 mph , then crashed into this oncoming car .
11 For more than two hours , the band who are without question the biggest rock outfit on the globe at present lit up the Dublin sky with a breathtaking assault on the senses .
12 Then , still smiling , Isambard forced the boy 's wrists together , enclosed and held them mercilessly in one lean , muscular hand , and with the other picked up the dagger and tossed it after his own sword .
13 Only then had the BBC followed up the statement , saying baldly that the Deputy Fuhrer had parachuted into Scotland .
14 LENNOX LEWIS last night lined up a world title fight with Norwich-based Herbie Hide as the cat-and-mouse game over the heavyweight championship took a new twist .
15 As people went to the polls in the Serb-held city of Banja Luka in northern Bosnia , bulldozers cleared away the remains of two 16th-century mosques blown up the previous week .
16 And viewers on both sides of the globe lapped up every sugary second to the dream story-line as the ratings soared .
17 When there were no Red Cross parcels at all you began to notice that people sized up the rations of margarine before they helped themselves , and though you despised them for it you were none the less sharp to do it yourself .
18 your mum 's got her fanny stuck up the exhaust of it .
19 He was a man brought up a bus ride away from Taibach , a word-clotted surreal dark comedy Welshman whom Burton adored .
20 Penry propped up the pillows behind her , then opened the bag he 'd brought with him and took out a small torch .
21 And his hand picked up a dropped boot to hurl it against the crackling plastic doors .
22 After the door closed , a pudgy hand picked up the videotape gingerly as if it were a dead bird and , pausing for a moment so that the viewer could read ‘ GOVERNMENT DRUGS SCANDAL ’ , dropped it into a wastepaper bin .
23 The soft white animal-like hand picked up the baton again .
24 In one instance , a pupil 's dissertation was " lost " through an operating error but a number of pupils divided up the work , which was in final draft , took it to the computer room and keyed in the text in sections .
25 Clara 's contingent sized up the situation in a disappointed trice , and hunched itself together in a corner to confront the disorderly scene by a solid front of backs .
26 He had taken up a woman 's role , and in the most feminine way taken up the nursing of Sien when his own mental and physical health were at a low ebb .
27 An eager public lapped up the vital evidence .
28 Heather even said it was the most interesting service she 'd been too , and I think Mum and Dad lapped up the excitement and atmosphere of celebration in the packed church — a far cry from Dalseattie !
29 The dying ripples of its massive tidal wave lapped up the English Channel , and the volcanic debris , wreathing the planet , altered weather and harvest patterns around the world for years afterwards .
30 Now I 'd also in this time rung up the er forwarding address in Manchester , rung up the telephone number I 'd been given of the forwarding address .
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