Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] from [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is good evidence that sediment from these terrains is a component of several sandstones formed from sources in the United Kingdom , although few sandstones are derived solely from the Moine or the Lewisian .
2 Professor Peter Berthold , of Radolfzfell in Germany , has bred together birds reared from parents caught in winter in Britain , and has shown that these have an urge to migrate towards us .
3 Some cost savings may be offset against this total , such as money received from grants and savings made on rent and rates .
4 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
5 In the second year the summarized transactions of the business were as follows : Sales , all on credit £70,000 : Moneys received from debtors £62,000 : Purchases , all on credit £40,000 : Moneys paid to creditors £38,000 : Moneys introduced by new partner , Bob , £5,000 : Other Expenses incurred and paid £7,000 : Drawings by Susan £7,000 and by Bob £5,000 : Goods in stock at the end of the year £9,000 .
6 Taxation of income earned from corporations is not a simple issue .
7 It was a nightmare : early on , his budget dropped from dollars l6m to £300,000 , and his crew was reduced to two .
8 It was a nightmare : early on , his budget dropped from dollars l6m to £300,000 , and his crew was reduced to two .
9 In fact the street names and the rest belong with the extremely important disjunctive flotsam of the book : paintpots , old rope , the odd sock , boots that once belonged to the Secretary at the English Embassy , twists of paper , egg-shells , fish-guts , frayed blood-soaked strips torn from trouserbottoms and coat-pockets , an axe-sling in ribbons ( ‘ Little bits of tom linen can not possibly arouse suspicion ! , ’ ) half-eaten meals , small change , miscellaneous pawned objects , candle-ends , trousseau-stuff ( ‘ fancy boxes , dressing-cases , ornaments , dress material , and all that sort of junk from Knopf 's and the English Shop ’ ) broken crocks ( cherepki ) , and skulls ( cherepi ) .
10 Carbohydrates are the sugars , and the compounds compounded from sugars , such as starch , glycogen , and cellulose .
11 The results of this survey will be analysed along with data gathered from interviews carried out with over 100 candidates by SCOTVEC staff .
12 The transcript departed from aspects of the evidence which Reagan had given to the Tower Commission in 1987 , and suggested that he had returned to his earliest explanations of the Iran-contra affair , insisting that he did not trade arms for hostages and had seen not " one iota " of evidence that profits from the operation had been diverted to the contras .
13 Talk varied from views on nationalism and child birth to thoughts on mysticism and linguistic oppression .
14 The idea that straight people ’ benefitted ’ from lesbian and gay oppression was raised , also the need for a lifting of oppressive sexuality , and the question of how lesbian oppression differed from women 's oppression .
15 Branches cracked from trees and plunged into the turbulent waters behind Tallis , who clutched her cloak and cowl , holding them tightly against the tearing wind .
16 As I mentioned on the phone yesterday : update on music permissions that have developed since last week : Waterfront ( Simple Minds ) ( confirmation awaited from artists ) and I Like Driving in my Car ( Madness ) will be £75 each for 3 years ' world license , excluding USA .
17 The note to which I refer of six er page six seven five reads as follows , the words omitted from sub-sections one , four and five and the whole of sub-section three were repealed and sub-section six was substituted by the Local Government Act nineteen seventy two , sections one hundred and ninety-six one two , two hundred and seventy-two one , Schedule thirty , the words in square brackets in sub-section one and in the first pair of square brackets in sub-section two , were substituted and the words omitted from para two B , paragraph two B and the whole of paragraph two C , both of which had been inserted by the Local Government Act nineteen seventy two , section two hundred and seventeen , schedule twenty- seven , part two , paragraph eighteen were repealed .
18 Composed variously of opus sectile ( marbles in a variety of geometric shapes ) , opus alexendrinum ( large slabs of precious oriental marbles ) and opus tessellatum ( pictorial designs made from tesserae , like mosaic ) , over the centuries the pavement has buckled into a surface far from level and has suffered from atmospheric pollution as well as wear and tear of daily use .
19 And the imaginative touch extends to containers … you 'll find flowers stuffed into hiking boots , shopping baskets … and Tricia 's own invention … lollipops made from lampshades on posts .
20 He was , however , unhappy with remedies prepared from bacteria and felt that there must be plant alternatives to these which would be purer and more generally acceptable .
21 Many armies still relied on civilians to drive their artillery train and baggage-wagons , and on draught animals commandeered from civilians to pull them .
22 Given that there does not seem to be the same reluctance to imbibe proteins made from plants as there is to be using the proteins in the milk of Dr Ron James ' transgenic sheep or Scotgen 's ‘ humanised ’ mouse antibodies , there may be a good case for a local entrepreneur to transfer an Amazonian shaman 's technology to make a Scottish national wonder drug .
23 Flags of various nations hung from balconies .
24 The project will test this hypothesis using data collected from teachers and from pupils .
25 Data collected from files yielded a set of variables for three of the four teams on referrals , initial response ( allocation and assessment ) , services provided , and subsequent developments .
26 Dorset heathland saved from developers
27 Pesticides washed from farms and gardens into creeks and ponds are thought to be responsible .
28 It may be that a study commissioned from contractors by the British National Space Centre will provide useful evidence on the cash value of remote sensing ; it is particularly timely in view of the appointment of Professor Pearce ( see above ) as the adviser to the UK Secretary of State for the Environment .
29 The Regional Council has been considering the likely impact of a fixed link since the early 1980s , and in 1984 a study commissioned from consultants Bechtel-France resulted in a comprehensive planning strategy .
30 The outline of your notes should be based on the syllabus or programme of the subjects and built up from key words abstracted from textbooks and other writings on the topics concerned .
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