Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Snyder ( 1982 , Appendix B ) lists 20 map projections used by the US Geological Survey , and individual states make use of their own projections and grids .
2 This study is concerned with the way Pakeha ( white ) New Zealanders make sense of race and race related issues , such as the violent protests against the Springbok tour , Polynesian and British immigration , and the position of New Zealand Maoris .
3 Ingvar Carlsson Prime Minister Odd Engström Deputy Prime Minister ; Minister with special responsibility for research Sten Andersson Foreign Affairs Roine Carlsson Defence Allan Larsson Finance Laila Freivalds Justice Rune Molin Industry ( including energy affairs ) Mona Sahlin Labour Mats Hellström Agriculture Ingela Thalén Health and Social Affairs Ulf Lönnqvist Housing and Physical Planning Bengt Göransson Education and Cultural Affairs Georg Andersson Transport and Communications Bengt Johansson Public Administration ( including wages and pensions ) Birgitta Dahl Environment Maj-Lis Lööw Minister at the Ministry of Labour ( immigrant affairs ) Anita Gradin Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( foreign trade ) Lena Hjelm-Wallén Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( international development co-operation ) Eric Asbrink Minister at the Ministry of Finance ( budget ) Bengt Lindqvist Minister at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs ( social services , family affairs and matters concerning disabled and elderly ) Margot Wallström Minister at the Ministry of Public Administration ( ecclesiastical , equality and youth affairs ) Göran Persson Minister at the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs ( schools , adult education and study assistance )
4 FEES , CHARGES AND OTHER INCOME : Your authorities raise income by imposing fees or charges for the use of their services and receive other income such as interest on investments .
5 Unfortunately , we still have relatively little idea of how the child is able to move from a practical understanding of how , for example , objects change location as a result of actions performed by people , to the more abstract and general understanding of semantic categories such as agent , action and object , which provide the basis for early syntax ( Bowerman 1976 ) .
6 In contrast , other metaphors make reference to an animacy which seems to threaten by its very absence .
7 The three free-standing objects introduce complexity through the marked difference in content and philosophy .
8 Konstantinos Mitsotakis Prime Minister Tzannis Tzannetakis Deputy Prime Minister Athanassios Kanellopoulos Deputy Prime Minister Miltiades Evert Minister to the Prime Minister 's Office Antonis Samaras Foreign Minister Yannis Varvitsiotis National Defence
9 In order to give some structure to the discussion , each of the major social services will be examined under three headings : access , i.e. geographical distribution of social services ; use , i.e. the extent to which different groups make use of services ; and outcome , i.e. the benefit derived from the use of services .
10 Radar and some ovens make use of microwaves , which are only a few centimetres or millimetres long .
11 In the case of dangerous goods , there are complicated and frequently changing regulations on classification , labelling and packing , but the rewards make expansion into this specialist area of operation extremely worthwhile .
12 Other literacies make use of different convention and may , for instance , without any loss of clarity for those who know the rules , not mark sentence boundaries at all .
13 Lienhardt , as an anthropologist , leaves that question alone and is concerned simply with the different ways in which people in different cultures make sense of their worlds , without attempting to attribute greater truth to any one way as , by definition , the attribution of ‘ objectivity ’ does .
14 We can therefore in analysing the public institutions make use of the parallel with the private sector , but it must be tempered by consideration of the monopoly position of the government agency and the limitations on entry .
15 Some of the discussion of the informal sector and the Turner thesis suggest that , for a minority , there may be small improvements in housing or occupation , but the majority remain part of the mass of the urban poor .
16 Discourses gain status from the relative power of the group with which they are associated — and as a general rule the media tend to favour the discourses of the elite .
17 These Acts make provision for two types of surrogacy , the first by a regent , the second by counsellors of state .
18 Why do market researchers make use of " samples " of the " relevant population " ?
19 Of course individual humanities disciplines make use of more than one of these types of computer study : the student of literary style will make statistical studies of the frequency of the lexical strings and grammatical features identified in his chosen text ; the historian may have occasion to search through and analyse the texts of his primary sources in machine-readable form .
20 The extent to which individual disciplines make use of libraries in their researches may be expected to vary , but when one sees that some universities spend 50% to 100% per capita more than others , it does suggest that the value placed by university managers on their libraries varies in some highly individualistic ways .
21 Groups please book in advance .
22 Even if the plant is a free-standing subsidiary , within-group pricing policies make determination of real outputs difficult .
23 Henry the bunny keeps disappearing and reappearing in a top hat , paper flowers blossom from a seemingly empty vase and handkerchiefs change colour to the call of Abracadabra .
24 These interactions make sense of the high degree of sequence conservation observed within the basic helix for different b/HLH/Z proteins , as all the conserved residues make either base or phosphate contacts .
26 " Until foreign wages are the same as British wages , any extra demands on British employers mean loss of trade " .
27 Both groups favour investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources .
28 Of insect attack , that by bruchids of Scheelea zonensis ( Palmae ) in central America is greater , the nearer the mother plant and early survival of Virola surinamensis there is enhanced by being away from the parental crown , as seedlings closer to the bole suffer attack from weevils .
29 The EcoSystems products provide functionality for configuration management , performance management , fault management , capacity planning , automated operations and management reporting , and support Unix servers with Unix , MS-DOS or terminal clients .
30 ( B ) Gel shift analysis of circularly permutated GST-pou[c]-DNA complexes .
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