Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The size and range of the relief activities undertaken shows the strength of public support for the Spanish Republican government .
2 In the strategies formulated to popularise the V&A , design has played an important role .
3 More recently , at a Roman Catholic retreat , where we were asked to use no book other than the Bible , the personal daily direction given became a memorable means of the Holy Spirit 's teaching , healing , and guiding .
4 Some of this support was on a substantial scale : a large cheque given to enable the parents to ‘ buy things for the baby ’ ; a capital sum to enable a young architect to buy into a new firm ; paying the wages of a home help to assist a family with several young children ( pp. 92–4 ) .
5 A second technique developed utilises the natural enrichment of the rare-earth elements in fluorite .
6 ‘ For God 's sake , get to sea instantly … , ’ the First Lord of the Admiralty signalled the captain in command of the squadron assigned to blockade the Texel .
7 Choose styling products formulated to give a natural-looking hold for casual styling .
8 With foot pointed raise the top leg and do 35 mini raises .
9 The executive responsible is a member of the Board assigned to ensure the successful progress and completion of the project .
10 Provided that the last protection listed contains an E , you do not need to change the protection .
11 Proposals intended to benefit the rural economy will normally be supported provided that they would not unacceptably detract from the character and appearance and general amenity of the surrounding area .
12 But Mr Smith warned : ‘ This will be a budget designed to save the skin of the Chancellor , not a budget to rescue the British economy . ’
13 WORRIES over what the election result will bring make contracts designed to take the risk out of risk investment increasingly popular .
14 The novel Romance can almost be read as a series of definitions designed to emphasise the elusive , personal nature of the word .
15 The tone of the debate was set by Home Secretary William Whitelaw 's introductory statement in which he spoke of ( a ) the need to ‘ remove the scourge of criminal violence from our streets ’ , and ( b ) the urgency of developing ‘ policies designed to promote the mutual tolerance and understanding upon which the whole future of a free democratic society depends ’ ( Hansard , vol. 8 , 16 July 1981 : col. 1405 ) .
16 In this and the previous chapter , policies designed to improve the co-ordination of urban agencies have been addressed .
17 ( in this issue ) note that the context of EC competition policy has always been the promotion of competition within a single European market , despite arguments that have sometimes been expressed in favour of industrial policies designed to improve the competitiveness of European firms in international markets .
18 It was in the wake of the London conference on Germany that the Americans , British and French initiated a number of policies designed to resolve the future of Western Europe without Soviet interference .
19 Between the wars the aim of housing legislation was simply to stimulate the construction of as many houses as possible in rural areas ; since 1945 the aim has been to control the number of houses in rural areas as part of overall planning policies designed to contain the growth of urban sprawl , prevent the loss of good agricultural land and protect the visual quality of the countryside .
20 Governments may adopt various industrial , regional and fiscal policies designed to increase the incentive to entrepreneurs to set up new businesses and possibly also to reduce the ‘ red tape ’ involved .
21 Policies designed to increase the added-value content of natural resource exports have taken different forms , depending on the nature of the world market .
22 The government also pursued policies designed to encourage a commercial ethos in the remaining public enterprises .
23 It is therefore becoming increasingly important that firms develop practices and policies designed to overcome the difficulties many women face .
24 He is bitterly humiliated when he is beaten in a fist-battle with Thomas Fox , arranged by the captain as the climax to a day of races and contests organised to keep the hands occupied while the ship is becalmed .
25 In the RAF 's first attack on the runway at Port Stanley , carried out by a Vulcan V-bomber which flew from Ascension Island , only one of the 21 bombs dropped hit the runway .
26 The practices of infanticide and geronticide are culturally defined behaviour patterns designed to ensure the survival of the group in times of extreme food shortages .
27 Brown , a black parent , was supported by the NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ) in a case designed to test the widespread practice of having separate schools for blacks and whites .
28 Yet because the philosopher 's adult has traditionally been male , his children boy children , and his educational programmes designed to facilitate the transition between them , the ideal of the fully human person has been masculinised to the point where otherwise thoughtful and sometimes good and wise men have unashamedly admitted that this defining ideal is not applicable to half the species .
29 " In this context , the European Council notes that in the near future several governments intend to submit specific multi-annual programmes designed to secure the requisite progress on convergence [ see also p. 38201 ] …
30 Concern swung away from programmes designed to reschedule a reduction of service costs , back towards the earlier aspiration of redemption .
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