Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 The omnibuses were horse drawn , single decker with passengers sitting facing each other across a middle aisle , and other omnibuses travelled westward from Chiswick through Brentford , Isleworth and Hounslow .
2 In most species of birds , a male reared apart from other singing males will not develop a proper song at all ; this is not true of simple bird sounds , such as the cock crow , but no ‘ song birds ’ are known to be able to develop their elaborate songs in isolation .
3 At the 40th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee in October 1989 the 43 member states adopted a general programme budget of $190,000,000 for the first six months of 1990 only ; after extensive debate at an extraordinary session in May 1990 and at the regular session in October , the Executive Committee finally adopted a general programme budget for 1990 amounting to $378,885,900 , including the $38,000,000 deficit carried over from the previous year .
4 As Russians penetrated southwards from the forested zone ( taiga ) to the wooded steppe , and then the open grasslands , they built new fortresses .
5 By concentrating on pebbles carried down from alpine sources in the beds of rivers and streams , full advantage could be taken of the erosive power of water in wearing away adhering rock and concentrating the sought after greenstone .
6 Nineteen Cubans and Spaniards were allowed to disembark , plus three passengers with authentic visas ; the remaining 900 or so Jews waited for news of the negotiations which involved , variously , the Cuban President , his director of immigration , the shipping line , the local relief committee , the ship 's captain and a lawyer flown in from the New York headquarters of the Joint Distribution Committee .
7 The visiting pilots had come to ferry back a score of U.S. fighter aircraft flown up from the States as part of the American lend-lease programme .
8 This was liberally interspersed with launch picnics , swimming , the services of a chef flown specially from one of the malais ' two five-star hotels back home , and ‘ ethnic entertainments ’ .
9 With bad blood carried over from last year 's clash between the two sides which saw Eric Rush retire from the fray with a broken wrist , the portents were not good .
10 There is then not only a relative gap to be filled , in these new terms , but also , from the quality of some of the work on the arts carried out from other positions , a sense of challenge : indeed a sense that it may be above all in this still major area that the qualities of the kinds of thinking represented by the contemporary convergence stand most to be tested .
11 Then this pantomime carried on from the coast .
12 The New Zealand cot death study was a nationwide case-control study carried out from 1 November 1987 to 31 October 1990 .
13 The boat moved away from the island and I waited until it was out at sea .
14 The engine of The Abbott sounded deafening in the silence , the loud spluttering replaced rapidly by a rumble as the boat moved away from the pier .
15 In that year , the college moved away from Mercersburg , Nevin retired , and Schaff later embarked on an outstanding career as a Church historian at Union Seminary , New York , where he published in 1876 his great History of the Creeds of Christendom .
16 The fables moved away from pseudo-scientific intent to edification in the realm of morals .
17 The coffin furniture industry moved away from London during the early nineteenth century , transferring itself to Birmingham .
18 Her pale blue eyes turned away from the interviewer and towards the camera .
19 Sir Harold sat still , his eyes turned away from the window , his head full of old dreams .
20 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she told these heads , keeping her red eyes turned away from them , ‘ Mr. Dyson and Mr. Bell are at the funeral .
21 For a moment his eyes turned away from the city to the sleeping form of Madra .
22 Under the country 's Constitution the President was elected by popular vote from a list of candidates drawn up from among members of the House .
23 Under the country 's constitution the President was elected by popular vote from a list of three or four candidates drawn up from amongst members of the legislature .
24 Other Gulf states led by Oman had expressed a preference for an Arab force drawn exclusively from GCC countries .
25 Oman had reportedly favoured the formation of a regional defence force drawn exclusively from the Gulf states [ see p. 38364 ] .
26 For a moment she did nothing , horrified , her lips drawn back from her teeth , watching how he turned the stump , observing it , his eyes filled with wonder at the thing he had accidentally done .
27 The boy seemed in pain , his lips drawn back from his teeth in what was almost a snarl , his whole body hunched into itself , as if something ate at him from within .
28 ‘ Thank you , ’ he answered , bewildered , and was even more surprised when Therese called down from the stage , ‘ Coming for coffee , Madge ?
29 David bounded up from his seat and went towards the door .
30 Outboard interplane struts slanted outward from the lower wingtips , but a system of sturdy inverted V-struts and single struts supported the three 485hp Bristol Jupiter IX radial engines mounted on the upper wing .
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