Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] in a " in BNC.

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1 And that is why you have to ensure that whatever elements you put in initial-clause position in your target text or in a given part of your target text add up to something that can be understood as a method of development and that can provide a point of orientation for that part of the text .
2 1.30 In a serious personal injury case or in a fatal case the initial calculations of loss of earnings or dependency may be made very soon after the accident , based on wage rates provided by the employers at that time .
3 The promise to waive may be embodied in an express contract or in a contract implied by the conduct of the parties .
4 Mr. Tecks submitted that the European Court of Justice authorities , cited below , show that the crucial words refer to obligations which have their basis in contract or in a closely similar nexus such as that existing between an association and its members , so that the matters in question must be contractual or closely akin to contractual .
5 If you live in a bungalow or in a mobile home , you should fix an alarm in a corridor between the living and sleeping areas .
6 Perhaps that will be a thought for people who foolishly keep money under the mattress or in a jam jar .
7 She was a woman of fine physical strength , ready to go out on foot or in a canoe when called for .
8 We asked respondents whether they had been stopped ( on foot or in a vehicle ) or had their house searched in the last year , and whether they had been arrested in the last five years ( called here , ‘ stopped , etc . ’ )
9 The job is made easier if the bending machine is mounted on its own stand or in a vice and if some light oil is used on the formers .
10 In some houses , it may be possible to steal space by moving an internal wall , but think carefully about whether you want laundry equipment in your kitchen or in a separate room .
11 Even today some Victorian houses in Earls Barton have a former ‘ shop ’ behind the kitchen or in a backyard ; other cottagers worked in their living rooms .
12 Telephone numbers can be kept separately , on a card index or in a contact book .
13 Heat the beeswax and almond oil in a double enamel boiler or in a heatproof dish over a pan of simmering water .
14 The machine tool industry meets the worst of the problem , as it is at the end of the manufacturing cycle and can not respond quickly either in recession or in a boom , because of the long lead-times involved in production and delivery .
15 It is evident that the third defendant and the third party are not , on any view of the case , joint contractors or joint tortfeasors or in a relationship where contribution is available under equitable principles .
16 Seating arrangements will , of course , depend on the nature of the activities being undertaken and the extent to which the work is taking place in informal groups or in a more structured teaching situation .
17 Designed by Lynda Gray , the stamps are available singly from all post offices or in a presentation pack ( containing all five stamps ) for £1.75 from main post offices and selected sub-post offices .
18 In this situation the multiply instruction finds the multiplier in one accumulator , the multiplicand in a second accumulator or in a store location , and the resultant product occupies a pair of adjacent accumulators .
19 Core and optional units do not have to be studied as discrete units or in a set order .
20 Mr. Docherty told me that he was sleeping rough either in his car or in a small tent .
21 The patient seen outside the hospital is a different type to the one seen in an accident and emergency department or in a coronary care unit .
22 Very often irregularities are disclosed in a government department or in a business house : and a man may be suspended on full pay pending inquiries .
23 In Britain and the United States judges are selected from lawyers , usually only after many years in practice , in Britain as an advocate , and in the United States as an advocate or in a legal post within the government .
24 I do n't think it 's against the constitution that er it would be a bit unusual to find him involved in handling money to be involved in he went to Majorca or Tenerife or in a bid to see each other it 's a possibility .
25 Sometimes the Constitution limits the executive or subordinate local bodies ; sometimes it limits the legislature also , but only so far as amendment of the Constitution itself is concerned ; and sometimes it imposes restrictions upon the legislature which go far beyond this point and forbid it to make laws upon certain subjects or in a certain way or with certain effects .
26 This is often the case when the search is being undertaken across borders or in a new market segment .
27 Enable people to live as normal a life as possible in their own homes or in a homely environment in the community .
28 You then whip the cream ( it is easier if you have left it an hour or two in the refrigerator after cooling ) and when it stands in peaks you can turn it in to the muslin or clean napkin with which you have lined an earthenware or metal cheese mould or drainer — which can be improvised by piercing holes in a cheap cake tin or in a tub-shaped carton — and leave it 3 or 4 hours , or overnight .
29 It must be cooked à la Didier with the most delicate of white wine sauces or in a soufflé with a touch of parmesan cheese .
30 In an electronic database , information appears to be a single document , form or table , when in fact it may be spread over different files , databases or in a truly distributed application , over several organisations and dispersed locations …
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