Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] by the " in BNC.

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1 The first rule books devised by the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) led to a torrent of complaints from the City and the replacement of the first chairman , Sir Kenneth Berrill by the Bank of England director , David Walker .
2 Tradition has the Nail being given to Sant' Ambrogio by the Emperor Constantine .
3 Also on Beinn Bhan , Der Riesenwand was climbed by Roger Webb by the original line , and Robin Clothier by an accidental direct finish ( sorry , partners unknown ) , and Gully of the Gods by Robin Beadle and Martin Moran , who described it as a superb but straightforward grade V.
4 On Aug. 6 , the RCP had replaced its hardline first secretary Ivan Polozkov by the moderate Valentin Kuptsov , who had promised to co-operate with Gorbachev and Yeltsin .
5 In the year 1208 Sora ( in the Regno to the east of Rome ) and the title of count were conferred on Richard Conti by the king of Sicily 's representative , and on 6 October Richard tendered the oath of vassalage to the pope at Ferentino for all the territories he had acquired and investiture was made with the gilded chalice ( per cuppam deauratam ) .
6 In the past few years I have been involved in a Seminar for senior administrators from the Third World studying at British Universities A group of 25 or 30 is gathered each year at Plockton in Wester Ross by the British Council , the ODA and the Highland Board .
7 Further north along Corso Venezia is Palazzo Serbelloni , an enormous building in Neo-Classical style created in 1793 for Duke Serbelloni by the enlarging of a seventeenth-century palazzo , part of which can still be seen — the brick section in Via San Damiano .
8 In Oviedo an infuriated mob was only prevented from lynching the distinguished poet Meléndez Valdés by the appearance of priests with the exposed host .
9 They suggest that warnings by Mr Major that a vote for the Liberal Democrats could let Labour into Downing Street by the ‘ back door ’ may have frightened some waverers back into the Tory fold .
10 Speculation that the rapid decline of many of the world 's amphibians may be due to acid rain has been dampened by a study carried in the Rocky Mountains by the US Fish and Wildlife Service .
11 ‘ The floodgates will be open after the recent award of £15,000 to Veronica Bland by the council in Stockport . ’
12 Among the many friends who came to wish her a happy birthday were , he read a piece written for Miss Laye by the Hon.
13 that there was no valid refusal of consent , and that the doctors were justified in their treatment of Miss T. by the principle of necessity .
14 ‘ How 's that going to fit in with David Parkin by the way — if the lab results are positive ? ’
15 An Award was made posthumously to Ann McMillan by the local Sports Council for her contribution to sport in the community .
16 Bondage — The stories told to cab driver David Hines by the prostitutes he met while driving around Kings Cross formed the basis of this one woman monologue detailing the grim life of a London prostitute .
17 Very little was known about these from actual remains until recent excavations at S. Giovenale by the Swedish expedition established plans from some foundations there .
18 The New Year 's Eve mauling of Ben Silcock by the lions at London Zoo sparked calls for the introduction of compulsory supervision of mentally ill people in the community .
19 A free economic zone to encourage international investment was created in west Kazakhstan by the Supreme Soviet on July 30 .
20 For the particular capacitance meter circuit of figure 7.4(a) , the unknown capacitance C is given in terms of the standard capacitance Cs by the relation
21 that 's not for , that 's not a t for a test Sarah by the way
22 At a public meeting in Barking Town Hall Wilson repeated the message to a wider audience , advising all the strikers in London to return to work , denouncing a prayer offered up on Tower Hill by the fiery Ben Tillett for the death of Lord Devonport , the Chairman of the Port of London Authority , assuring the men present that a just settlement could be achieved and declaring his intention of ordering his 4,000 London members back to their jobs .
23 A strong group of British work including ‘ Naked girl asleep I ’ from 1967 by Lucian Freud ( est. £350,000–450,000 ; $639,00–821,000 ) and a rare landscape drawing of Loch Ness by the artist dated 1943 ( £50,000–60,000 ; $91,000–109,500 ) ; a Frank Auerbach of ‘ Railway arches , Bethnal Green II ’ ( est. £180,000–250,000 ; $328,500–456,000 ) and a 1965 ‘ Julia ’ ( £35,000–45,000 ; $64,000–82,000 ) .
24 The invasion of South Korea by the Communist North Koreans in June 1950 heightened the public 's feelings of insecurity ( CORE , pp. 150–51 )
25 Moscow resented being excluded from the post-war occupation of Japan for example , whilst Washington was disturbed at the Communist victory in China in 1949 , and in June 1950 the invasion of pro-Western South Korea by the Communist North dramatically demonstrated that Cold War tensions outside Europe could have a major impact within Europe .
26 Worse still , Moscow appeared willing to exploit to the full the unstable post-war conditions , probing western defences in Germany and the Middle East , blessing the Chinese revolution ( 1949 ) , supporting the invasion of South Korea by the communist North ( 1950 ) , and seeking through force , demagogy and sabotage to spread Communism across the undeveloped world .
27 They might agree in principle , but it was only after the invasion of South Korea by the communist regime in the North in June 1950 that some arms increases were approved .
28 A similar decision had been made in respect of Uttar Pradesh by the time the poll date was announced in April [ see also above for Haryana ] .
29 Hordes on foot thronged the streets leading to the ‘ Great Gemme ’ ; Rowchester Street by the Tramways Depot , Henrietta Street at the Cattle Sheds opposite the cemetery yonder , Campbellfield Street by the Rag and Boot Factories .
30 At South Queensferry , the path ends at Stoneycroft Road by The Loan , but future extension is planned to link up to the Port Edgar area .
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