Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] during the " in BNC.

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1 Pavelka/Gots lead the men 's K2s into Old Windsor Lock during the Royal Grand Prix marathon .
2 The policies of the Fabians were described by Beatrice Webb during the 1890s as ‘ essentially collective ownership wherever practicable ; collective regulation everywhere else ; collective provision according to need for all the impotent and sufferers ; and collective taxation in proportion to wealth ’ .
3 The development of the brilliant cut supposedly under the patronage of Cardinal Mazarin during the seventeenth century intensified the effect of diamonds , but entailed a greater loss .
4 The Joint Transport Operation ( with Oxfam ) which was formerly located in Desse , capital of the region of Walo in the north of the country , was relocated in Addis Ababba during the latter stages of the civil war .
5 Lindsey 's Corsair remains to this day one of the most reliable and regular performers on the UK and European airshow circuit gaining many admirers , including an ex- Aeronavale pilot who proudly showed Lindsey his logbook proving that he flew 133722 off the French carrier La Fayette during the Indo-China campaign of 1957 .
6 He looked to West Germany for support , holding two meetings with Konrad Adenauer during the second half of 1958 .
7 The track , ‘ Stained And Sinking Fast ’ , was recorded with Pat Collier during the summer .
8 Ned Corvan was a song-writer , fiddler and performer in the working-class concert halls and pubs of Tyne side in North-East England during the 1850s and early 1860s ; in his final years he also worked in the first of the new kind of music halls , owned by commercially ambitious entrepreneurs and orientated more towards a nationally organized market and production system .
9 Strang , a major component in the Reds ' midfield engine room , collapsed under a hefty tackle from Ards skipper David Jeffrey during the 5– win at Solitude on Friday night .
10 [ That this House welcomes the public announcement by Her Majesty 's Government of the identity of the new head of MI5 ; but calls on Her Majesty 's Government to make a full statement about the role of Stella Rimington , in particular in connection with the activities of Mr. David Hart during the 1984 miners ' strike . ]
11 Rees-Mogg 's answer to the question of why his name had such appeal for Downing Street during the eighties has an undramatic plausibility about it .
12 But disabled people gathered in Duke Street during the ceremony to protest at the scheme .
13 Next , the applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal against the decision of Barnett J. During the argument of the appeal the question arose whether the Court of Appeal had any jurisdiction to hear it , under the empowering legislation , given the criminal origins of the proceedings in suit .
14 I wrote to Neil Kinnock during the last election , asking him to withdraw the remark that gays and lesbians were losing votes on the doorsteps of the pensioners .
15 Ted Owens was one of the stalwarts of Crystal Palace FC during the inter-war period , when his resolute performances at right-back during the latter half of the 1930s made him a firm favourite .
16 In the latter I was shocked to find letters from contenders for the distinction of Nottingham 's oldest graduate who were only a year or two older than I. Maybe I ought to record some of my own recollections as a student in the Physics Department of University College Nottingham during the academic years 1928 to 1932 .
17 Those who saw her last television programme , A Winter Too Many , will remember the extremely poignant sequence — and the tears — when she said farewell to her ‘ family ’ , the beloved beasts , as they wended their way down the road from Low Birk Hatt to new ownership , led by the senior cow — ‘ Rosa , my lovely Rosa ’ — who had given Hannah the only available warm drink , her milk , and acted as a radiator when the power failed at Low Birk Hatt during the last savage winter .
18 Generally busy traffic across the whole of Oxfordshire and west Buckinghamshire during the rush hour this evening , especially on the M40 though between junctions 2 and 7 , it 's very heavy traffic due to the various roadworks there in operation this evening , especially at junction 2 Beaconsfield where the contraflow is in operation .
19 The grave remained thus for eight hundred years until visited by the traveller and writer Hals during the reign of Charles II .
20 Recent moves towards the economic integration of Egypt and Libya were discussed by Kadhafi and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak during the ceremonies .
21 To coincide with a survey of his New York Urban Portraits which has opened at Oxford 's Museum of Modern Art ( see p. 15 ) , Marlborough is exhibiting twenty-five oil paintings completed by Bill Jacklin on Coney Island during the last eighteen months ( to 29 November ) .
22 Prime Minister Sharif , who met the Indian Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao during the Commonwealth summit in Harare , Zimbabwe , on Oct. 17 , said on Oct. 24 that the two sides had agreed to establish closer communication to avoid future crises .
23 Indians of many parties have been terrified by the prospect of escalating Hindu-Muslim violence , highlighted in Meerut in Uttar Pradesh during the first round of voting , when 19 people were killed .
24 In south Yorkshire during the forties , we were particularly disapproving of the sort of woman who ‘ puts on every bit of cheap jewellery that she 's got ’ .
25 The appearance of large-scale peasant resistance in Tambov , and even more the sustained independent peasant movement led by the Ukrainian peasant Nestor Makhno during the Civil War , pointed to an irreconcilable clash of principle .
26 Thousands of soviet radicals have jeered and booed President Gorbachev in Red Square during the first non-communist MayDay celebrations .
27 In order to prevent a drain of young English cricketers to South Africa during the winter , the TCCB has to provide a suitably well-rewarded alternative and it is in this area that Subba Row 's successor will need to shine .
28 England have been in trouble twice this season , upset by Canada 's pack at Wembley and shunted alarmingly by South Africa during the first half .
29 They have publicly expressed their concerns after witnessing events first hand when travelling throughout South Africa during the Wallabies ' whistle-stop two-week tour in August .
30 Unlike Farr-Jones and Doyle , Meagher was at the coal face of the tourism problems as he led a group of 48 Australian supporters who travelled throughout South Africa during the tour .
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